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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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<span class="content">#445 - [WIP] Dynamic Recipes</span>
<span class="author">by ZephireNZ</span>
<a class="link" href="">
<span class="content">#444 - Add Noteblocks and Jukeboxes</span>
<span class="author">by PaulBGD</span>
<a class="link" href="">
<span class="content">#442 - Added method blockDestroy to BlockType class. (Resolves #441)</span>
<span class="author">by ChioriGreene</span>
<a class="link" href="">
<span class="content">#439 - Redstone support - Button and lever</span>
<span class="author">by kaenganxt</span>
<a class="link" href="">
<span class="content">#437 - [WIP] Implemented door placement and door handling (See #119)</span>
<span class="author">by ChioriGreene</span>
<a class="link" href="">
<span class="content">#436 - Redstone support - Basics</span>
<span class="author">by kaenganxt</span>
<a class="link" href="">
<span class="content">#434 - Farming blocks placement check and drops</span>
<span class="author">by jimmikaelkael</span>
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