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Created November 8, 2011 18:54
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Save benders/1348720 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple New Relic server monitoring recipe for Chef
# Thanks to Eron Nicholson at 37 Signals for providing this,
# send thanks to him and blame to me. -Nic Benders
template "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/newrelic.list" do
source "newrelic.list.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
mode 0640
notifies :run, "execute[apt-get-update]", :immediately
package "newrelic-sysmond" do
options "--allow-unauthenticated"
template "/etc/newrelic/nrsysmond.cfg" do
source "nrsysmond.cfg.erb"
owner "root"
group "newrelic"
mode 0640
notifies :restart, "service[newrelic-sysmond]"
service "newrelic-sysmond" do
action [ :enable, :start ]
# New Relic Server Monitor configuration file.
# Lines that begin with a # are comment lines and are ignored by the server
# monitor. For those options that have command line equivalents, if the
# option is specified on the command line it will over-ride any value set
# in this file.
# Option : license_key
# Value : 40-character hexadecimal string provided by New Relic. This is
# required in order for the server monitor to start.
# Default: none
# Option : loglevel
# Value : Level of detail you want in the log file (as defined by the logfile
# setting below. Valid values are (in increasing levels of verbosity):
# error - show errors only
# warning - show errors and warnings
# info - show minimal additional information messages
# verbose - show more detailed information messages
# debug - show debug messages
# verbosedebug - show very detailed debug messages
# Default: error
# Note : Can also be set with the -d command line option.
# Option : logfile
# Value : Name of the file where the server monitor will store it's log
# messages. The amount of detail stored in this file is controlled
# by the loglevel option (above).
# Default: none. However it is highly recommended you set a value for this.
# Note : Can also be set with the -l command line option.
# Option : proxy
# Value : The name and optional login credentials of the proxy server to use
# for all communication with the New Relic collector. In its simplest
# form this setting is just a hostname[:port] setting. The default
# port if none is specified is 1080. If your proxy requires a user
# name, use the syntax user@host[:port]. If it also requires a
# password use the format user:password@host[:port]. For example:
# Default: none (use a direct connection)
# Option : ssl
# Value : Whether or not to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for all
# communication with the New Relic collector. Possible values are
# true/on or false/off. In certain rare cases you may need to modify
# the SSL certificates settings below.
# Default: false
# Option : ssl_ca_bundle
# Value : The name of a PEM-encoded Certificate Authority (CA) bundle to use
# for SSL connections. This very rarely needs to be set. The monitor
# will attempt to find the bundle in the most common locations. If
# you need to use SSL and the monitor is unable to locate a CA bundle
# then either set this value or the ssl_ca_path option below.
# Default: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt or
# /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
# Note : Can also be set with the -b command line option.
# Option : ssl_ca_path
# Value : If your SSL installation does not use CA bundles, but rather has a
# directory with PEM-encoded Certificate Authority files, set this
# option to the name of the directory that contains all the CA files.
# Default: /etc/ssl/certs
# Note : Can also be set with the -S command line option.
# Option : hostname
# Value : A meaningful host name to be displayed in the user interface. On
# many cloud based nodes the host name is incomprehensible and makes
# finding a specific host problematic. Using this option will allow
# you to assign a more meaningful name to a host. You must ensure
# that all your host names are unique.
# Default: Whatever the system calls the host.
# Note : Can also be set with the -n command line option.
# Option : pidfile
# Value : Name of a file where the server monitoring daemon will store it's
# process ID (PID). This is used by the startup and shutdown script
# to determine if the monitor is already running, and to start it up
# or shut it down.
# Default: /tmp/
# Note : Can also be set with the -p command line option.
# Option : collector_host
# Value : The name of the New Relic collector to connect to. This should only
# ever be changed on advise from a New Relic support staff member.
# The format is host[:port]. Using a port number of 0 means the default
# port, which is 80 (if not using the ssl option - see below) or 443
# if SSL is enabled. If the port is omitted the default value is used.
# Default:
# Option : timeout
# Value : How long the monitor should wait to contact the collector host. If
# the connection cannot be established in this period of time, the
# monitor will progressively back off in 15-second increments, up to
# a maximum of 300 seconds. Once the initial connection has been
# established, this value is reset back to the value specified here
# (or the default). This then sets the maximum time to wait for
# a connection to the collector to report data. There is no back-off
# once the original connection has been made. The value is in seconds.
# Default: 30
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