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Last active March 23, 2022 00:54
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draw tree structure of h5py File
import h5py
def print_group(group: h5py.Group):
name ='/')[-1]
return f"{name} ({len(group.keys())} objects)/"
def print_dataset(dataset: h5py.Dataset):
name ='/')[-1]
return f"{name} {dataset.shape}, {dataset.dtype}"
def print_line(elem, last, op):
if op:
op[0] = False
line = ""
for o in op:
if o:
line += "| "
line += " "
if last:
line += "└── "
line += "├── "
if isinstance(elem, h5py.Group):
line += print_group(elem)
elif isinstance(elem, h5py.Dataset):
line += print_dataset(elem)
return line
def _show_group(group, last=True, op = []):
out = []
out.append(print_line(group, last, op))
for i, key in enumerate(group.keys()):
elem = group[key]
this_last = i == (len(group.keys()) - 1)
if isinstance(elem, h5py.Group):
out.extend(_show_group(elem, this_last, op + [True]))
if isinstance(elem, h5py.Dataset):
out.append(print_line(elem, this_last, op + [not last]))
return out
def file_tree(groups):
return '\n'.join(_show_group(file))
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