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Created May 9, 2015 20:06
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An experiment with collection updates
(ns user.bendlas
(:require [criterium.core :as crit]))
;; # Overview
;; ## Two new core operations
;; ### pretial -- partial for the first param
;; This is the main proposition: introduce an operation that lets one
;; partially bind clojure's collection functions
(defn pretial* [f & args]
(fn [o] (apply f o args)))
;; ### apply-to -- start chains of pretials
;; This is the entry point for update functions
;; it's like a reverse comp, that fits in the update-fn slot:
;; (update-in x [y z] apply-to
;; (pretial assoc :a :b)
;; (pretial dissoc :c))
(defn apply-to* [x & fs]
(reduce #(%2 %1) x fs))
;; ### rcomp seems to naturally fall out
(defn rcomp* [& fs]
(apply pretial apply-to fs))
;; # Real World Implementation (tm)
;; ## defunrolled -- unroll varags
;; So this is a pretty cool macro, that I had wanted to write for some time
(defmacro defunrolled
"Ever get that itch to unroll vararg functions for performance?
(defunrolled comp*
:unroll 3
:more-arities ([args] `(apply comp* (for [as# (partition-all 3 ~args)]
(apply comp* as#))))
([] identity)
([f] f)
([f & fs] (let [arg (gensym \"arg-\")]
`(fn* [~arg] ~(reduce #(list %2 %1) arg (reverse (cons f fs)))))))
[self & flags+arities]
(let [{:keys [min unroll more-arities doc gen-fn]
:or {min 0 unroll 8}}
(loop [flags {} [f v :as fas] flags+arities]
(string? f)
(recur (assoc flags :doc f) (next fas))
(keyword? f)
(recur (assoc flags f v) (nnext fas))
(assoc flags :gen-fn (eval (cons 'fn* fas)))))
fixed (vec (repeatedly min #(gensym "a-")))
vars (repeatedly unroll #(gensym "v-"))]
`(defn ~self ~@(when doc [doc])
~@(for [n-v (range (inc unroll))
:let [args (into fixed (take n-v vars))]]
(list args (apply gen-fn args)))
~@(when-let [gen (and more-arities
(eval (cons 'fn* more-arities)))]
(let [vararg (gensym "va-")
args (into fixed vars)]
[(list (into args ['& vararg])
`(let [~vararg (list* ~@args ~vararg)]
~(gen vararg)))])))))
;; Look how it makes performance unrolls easy to define
(defunrolled pretial
:min 1
:more-arities ([args] `(apply pretial* ~args))
([f] f)
([f & args] `(fn* [o#] (~f o# ~@args))))
(defunrolled apply-to
;; yes, apply-to is in cljs already, please advise
:min 1
:more-arities ([args] `(apply apply-to* ~args))
([x & fs] (reduce #(list %2 %1) x fs)))
(defunrolled rcomp
:more-arities ([args] `(apply rcomp* ~args))
([& fs] `(pretial apply-to ~@fs)))
;; OK, so now we should have pretty performant versions of
;; pretial, apply-to and rcomp, but what do they actually buy us?
;; See for yorself: Here is a nested tree update, of the like
;; that is pretty common:
(defn bench-base []
(let [a (atom {:toplevel {:counter 2
:tree {:tag :root :content [{:tag :a}]}}})]
(swap! a
(fn [r]
(update r :toplevel
(fn [tl]
(-> tl
(update :counter inc)
(update-in [:tree :attrs] assoc
:updater "was here"
:added "attributes")
(update-in [:tree :content]
(fn [c]
(-> c
(update 0 assoc-in [:attrs :updated] "attr")
(conj {:tag :b :content ["Auto Inserted"]}))))))))))))
;; notice, how the indentation almost over-emphasizes the nested nature of the update
;; also, those nested fn's + -> are pretty useless information in and of themselves
;; Here is the same update in terms of pretial and apply-to
(defn bench-pretial [pretial apply-to rcomp]
(let [a (atom {:toplevel {:counter 2
:tree {:tag :root :content [{:tag :a}]}}})]
(swap! a update :toplevel apply-to
(pretial update :counter inc)
(pretial update-in [:tree :attrs] assoc
:updater "was here"
:added "attributes")
(pretial update-in [:tree :content] apply-to
(pretial update 0 assoc-in [:attrs :updated] "attr")
(pretial conj {:tag :b :content ["Auto Inserted"]}))))))
;; Notice, how here everything keeps being a value, as opposed to the (->) syntax
;; You can get the effect of cond-> with (if ... (prt) identity)
;; ## Comparative Runtimes
;; What does that reification cost to use:
(defn main []
(println "==== Benchmarking ====")
(println "Benchmark Base")
(println "Benchmark Normal Fns")
(bench-pretial pretial* apply-to* rcomp*)
(println "Benchmark Unrolled Fns")
(bench-pretial pretial apply-to rcomp)
(println "----------------------"))
;; Here is the output `$ lein trampoline run -m user.bendlas/main` on my machine
;; Notice, how the unrolling soaks up a bit more than half of the overhead
;; added by the reification. This ratio seems to be a consistent trend
;; over multiple benchmaks.
;; ==== Benchmarking ====
;; Benchmark Base
;; WARNING: Final GC required 12.94054345545196 % of runtime
;; Evaluation count : 261120 in 6 samples of 43520 calls.
;; Execution time mean : 2.305967 µs
;; Execution time std-deviation : 10.649470 ns
;; Execution time lower quantile : 2.300484 µs ( 2.5%)
;; Execution time upper quantile : 2.324382 µs (97.5%)
;; Overhead used : 2.017137 ns
;; Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
;; low-severe 1 (16.6667 %)
;; Variance from outliers : 13.8889 % Variance is moderately inflated by outliers
;; Benchmark Normal Fns
;; WARNING: Final GC required 28.95022864812921 % of runtime
;; Evaluation count : 151536 in 6 samples of 25256 calls.
;; Execution time mean : 4.014889 µs
;; Execution time std-deviation : 30.160260 ns
;; Execution time lower quantile : 3.997047 µs ( 2.5%)
;; Execution time upper quantile : 4.066262 µs (97.5%)
;; Overhead used : 2.017137 ns
;; Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
;; low-severe 1 (16.6667 %)
;; Variance from outliers : 13.8889 % Variance is moderately inflated by outliers
;; Benchmark Unrolled Fns
;; WARNING: Final GC required 27.69790498806564 % of runtime
;; Evaluation count : 204966 in 6 samples of 34161 calls.
;; Execution time mean : 2.994725 µs
;; Execution time std-deviation : 104.767331 ns
;; Execution time lower quantile : 2.925202 µs ( 2.5%)
;; Execution time upper quantile : 3.141147 µs (97.5%)
;; Overhead used : 2.017137 ns
;; ----------------------
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