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Last active December 13, 2015 16:48
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Save bendlas/4942735 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a draft of the current production state of my clojurescript enlive port. From the other end, I'm factoring enlive, so that its engine can work on any tree. That should enable a lot of shared code between a clj and a cljs version.
;; The macros
;; most macros here alias names from select.cljs
;; they will get used in regular calls
[clojure.string :as str]))
;; selector syntax
(defn intersection [preds]
(condp = (count preds)
1 (first preds)
2 (let [[f g] preds] `#(and (~f %) (~g %)))
3 (let [[f g h] preds] `#(and (~f %) (~g %) (~h %)))
4 (let [[f g h k] preds] `#(and (~f %) (~g %) (~h %) (~k %)))
`(fn [x#] (every? #(% x#) ~preds))))
(defn union [preds]
(condp = (count preds)
1 (first preds)
2 (let [[f g] preds] `#(or (~f %) (~g %)))
3 (let [[f g h] preds] `#(or (~f %) (~g %) (~h %)))
4 (let [[f g h k] preds] `#(or (~f %) (~g %) (~h %) (~k %)))
`(fn [x#] (some #(% x#) ~preds))))
(defn filter-prefix [fc segments]
(->> segments
(filter #(= fc (.charAt % 0)))
(map #(subs % 1))))
(defn compile-keyword [kw]
(if (= :> kw)
(let [[tag-name :as segments] (str/split (name kw) #"(?=[#.])")
classes (filter-prefix \. segments)
ids (filter-prefix \# segments)
preds (when-not (contains? #{nil \* \# \.}
(.charAt tag-name 0))
(list `( ~tag-name)))
preds (if (seq classes)
(conj preds `( ~@classes))
preds (case (count ids)
0 preds
1 (conj preds `( ~(first ids)))
(throw (ex-info "More than one id specified" {:selector kw})))]
(if (seq preds) (intersection preds) `
(defn compile-step* [step]
(keyword? step) (compile-keyword step)
(set? step) (union (map compile-step* step))
(vector? step) (intersection (map compile-step* step))
:else step))
(defmacro compile-step [step]
(compile-step* step))
(defmacro select-step [node step]
(list (compile-step* step) node))
(defn cacheable [selector] (vary-meta selector assoc ::cacheable true))
(defn static-selector? [selector]
(or (keyword? selector)
(and (coll? selector) (every? static-selector? selector))))
(defmacro let-select [parent bindings & body]
{:pre [(zero? (mod (count bindings) 2))]}
(let [parent-sym (gensym "parent-")]
`(let ~(vec (list*
parent-sym parent
(mapcat (fn [[bind selector]]
[bind `(select-1 ~parent-sym ~(if (static-selector? selector)
(cacheable selector)
(partition 2 bindings))))
[goog.dom :as dom]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn to-str [i]
(keyword? i) (name i)
(symbol? i) (name i)
:default (str i)))
(defn child-nodes [node]
;; reify live views like NodeList and HTMLCollection
(into [] (array-seq (dom/getChildren node))))
(def any (constantly true))
(defn tag=
"Selector predicate, :foo is as short-hand for (tag= :foo)."
(let [tag-name (.toUpperCase (to-str tag-name))]
#(= (.-tagName %) tag-name)))
(defn id=
"Selector predicate, :#foo is as short-hand for (id= \"foo\")."
#(= (.getAttribute % "id") id))
(defn attr-values
"Returns the whitespace-separated values of the specified attr as a set or nil."
[node attr]
(when-let [v (.getAttribute node (to-str attr))]
(set (str/split v #"\s+"))))
(defn attr-has
"Selector predicate, tests if the specified whitespace-seperated attribute contains the specified values. See CSS ~="
[attr & values]
#(when-let [v (attr-values % attr)]
(every? v values)))
(defn has-class
"Selector predicate, is as short-hand for (has-class \"foo\" \"bar\")."
[& classes]
(apply attr-has :class classes))
;; selector syntax
(defn intersection [preds]
(condp = (count preds)
1 (first preds)
2 (let [[f g] preds] #(and (f %) (g %)))
3 (let [[f g h] preds] #(and (f %) (g %) (h %)))
4 (let [[f g h k] preds] #(and (f %) (g %) (h %) (k %)))
(fn [x] (every? #(% x) preds))))
(defn union [preds]
(condp = (count preds)
1 (first preds)
2 (let [[f g] preds] #(or (f %) (g %)))
3 (let [[f g h] preds] #(or (f %) (g %) (h %)))
4 (let [[f g h k] preds] #(or (f %) (g %) (h %) (k %)))
(fn [x] (some #(% x) preds))))
(defn- filter-prefix [fc segments]
(->> segments
(filter #(= fc (.charAt % 0)))
(map #(subs % 1))))
(def ^:private compile-keyword
(fn [kw]
(if (= :> kw)
(let [[tag-name :as segments] (str/split (name kw) #"(?=[#.])")
classes (filter-prefix \. segments)
ids (filter-prefix \# segments)
preds (when-not (contains? #{nil \* \# \.}
(.charAt tag-name 0))
(list (tag= tag-name)))
preds (if (seq classes)
(conj preds (apply has-class classes))
preds (case (count ids)
0 preds
1 (conj preds (id= (first ids)))
(throw (js/Error. (str "More than one id specified in selector " kw))))]
(if (seq preds) (intersection preds) any))))))
(defn compile-step [step]
(keyword? step) (compile-keyword step)
(set? step) (union (map compile-step step))
(vector? step) (intersection (map compile-step step))
:else step))
(defn select-step [node step]
((compile-step step) node))
;; selector chains
(defn- compile-chain [chain]
(map compile-step chain))
(defn- selector-chains [selector id]
(for [x (tree-seq set? seq selector) :when (not (set? x))]
(compile-chain (concat x [id]))))
(defn- predset [preds]
(condp = (count preds)
1 (let [[f] preds] #(if (f %) 1 0))
2 (let [[f g] preds] #(+ (if (f %) 1 0) (if (g %) 2 0)))
3 (let [[f g h] preds] #(-> (if (f %) 1 0) (+ (if (g %) 2 0))
(+ (if (h %) 4 0))))
4 (let [[f g h k] preds] #(-> (if (f %) 1 0) (+ (if (g %) 2 0))
(+ (if (h %) 4 0)) (+ (if (k %) 8 0))))
#(loop [i 1 r 0 preds (seq preds)]
(if-let [[pred & preds] preds]
(recur (bit-shift-left i 1) (if (pred %) (+ i r) r) preds)
(defn- states [init chains-seq]
(fn [^Number n]
(loop [n n s (set init) [chains & etc] chains-seq]
(odd? n) (recur (bit-shift-right n 1) (into s chains) etc)
(zero? n) s
:else (recur (bit-shift-right n 1) s etc)))))
(defn- make-state [chains]
(let [derivations
(fn [derivations chain]
(= :> (first chain))
(let [pred (second chain)]
(assoc derivations pred (conj (derivations pred) (nnext chain))))
(next chain)
(let [pred (first chain)]
(-> derivations
(assoc nil (conj (derivations nil) chain))
(assoc pred (conj (derivations pred) (next chain)))))
(assoc derivations :accepts (first chain)))) {} chains)
always (derivations nil)
accepts (derivations :accepts)
derivations (dissoc derivations nil :accepts)
ps (predset (keys derivations))
next-states (memoize #(make-state ((states always (vals derivations)) %)))]
[accepts (when (seq chains) (comp next-states ps))]))
(defn cacheable [selector] (vary-meta selector assoc ::cacheable true))
(defn cacheable? [selector] (-> selector meta ::cacheable))
(defn- automaton* [selector]
(make-state (-> selector (selector-chains 0) set)))
(defn- lockstep-automaton* [selectors]
(make-state (set (mapcat selector-chains selectors (iterate inc 0)))))
(def ^{:private true} memoized-automaton* (memoize automaton*))
(def ^{:private true} memoized-lockstep-automaton* (memoize lockstep-automaton*))
(defn automaton [selector]
((if (cacheable? selector) memoized-automaton* automaton*) selector))
(defn lockstep-automaton [selectors]
((if (every? cacheable? selectors) memoized-lockstep-automaton* lockstep-automaton*) selectors))
(defn accept-key [s] (nth s 0))
(defn step [s x] (when-let [f (and s (nth s 1))] (f x)))
(defn fragment-selector? [selector]
(map? selector))
(defn node-selector? [selector]
(not (fragment-selector? selector)))
(defn- static-selector? [selector]
(or (keyword? selector)
(and (coll? selector) (every? static-selector? selector))))
(defn select-nodes* [nodes state]
(letfn [(select1 [node previous-state]
(when-let [state (step previous-state node)]
(let [descendants (mapcat #(select1 % state) (child-nodes node))]
(if (accept-key state) (cons node descendants) descendants))))]
(mapcat #(select1 % state) nodes)))
(defn select-nodes [nodes selector]
(select-nodes* nodes (automaton selector)))
(defn select-fragments* [nodes state-from state-to]
(letfn [(select1 [nodes previous-state-from previous-state-to]
(when (and previous-state-from previous-state-to)
(let [states-from (map #(step previous-state-from %) nodes)
states-to (map #(step previous-state-to %) nodes)
descendants (reduce into []
(map #(select1 (child-nodes %1) %2 %3)
nodes states-from states-to))]
(loop [fragments descendants fragment nil
nodes nodes states-from states-from states-to states-to]
(if-let [[node & etc] (seq nodes)]
(if fragment
(let [fragment (conj fragment node)]
(if (accept-key (first states-to))
(recur (conj fragments fragment) nil etc
(rest states-from) (rest states-to))
(recur fragments fragment etc
(rest states-from) (rest states-to))))
(if (accept-key (first states-from))
(recur fragments [] nodes states-from states-to)
(recur fragments nil etc
(rest states-from) (rest states-to))))
(select1 nodes state-from state-to)))
(defn select-fragments [nodes selector]
(let [[selector-from selector-to] (first selector)
state-from (automaton selector-from)
state-to (automaton selector-to)]
(select-fragments* nodes state-from state-to)))
(defn as-nodes [node-or-nodes]
(seqable? node-or-nodes) node-or-nodes
(= js/DocumentFragment (type node-or-nodes)) (child-nodes node-or-nodes)
:else (cons node-or-nodes nil)))
(defn select
"Returns the seq of nodes or fragments matched by the specified selector."
[node-or-nodes selector]
(let [nodes (as-nodes node-or-nodes)]
(if (node-selector? selector)
(select-nodes nodes selector)
(select-fragments nodes selector))))
(defn select-1 [node-or-nodes selector]
(let [result (select node-or-nodes selector)]
(when (next result)
(throw (js/Error. (array "Multiple select result: " node-or-nodes selector))))
(first result)))
;; other selection helpers
(defn parent
([child this-one?]
(loop [child child]
(if (or (nil? child) (this-one? child)) child
(recur (.-parentElement child))))))
(def root (cacheable (compile-chain [:> :*])))
(defn attr= [attr val]
(fn [el]
(= val (.getAttribute el attr))))
(ns lib.transform
(:require [ :as sel]))
(defmacro at! [node-or-nodes & {:as rules}]
(sel/as-nodes ~node-or-nodes)
~(into {} (for [[s t] rules]
[(if (sel/static-selector? s) (sel/cacheable s) s)
(defmacro instantiate [node & {:as rules}]
`(let [inst# (.cloneNode ~node true)]
(at! inst#
~@(apply concat rules))
(defmacro clone-for! [seq-comprehension & body]
(let [rules (if (= 1 (count body))
(cons ` body)
`(fn [node#]
(let [frag# (.createDocumentFragment js/document)]
(doseq ~seq-comprehension
(.appendChild frag# (instantiate node# ~@rules)))
(goog.dom/replaceNode frag# node#)))))
(defmacro delegate! [type sel-step argt & body]
`(fn [node#]
(lib.event/delegate node# ~type (sel/compile-step ~sel-step)
(fn ~argt ~@body))))
(ns lib.transform
[goog.dom :as dom]
[ :as sel]))
(defn- transform-node! [node previous-state transformations]
(when-let [state (sel/step previous-state node)]
(doseq [child (sel/child-nodes node)]
(transform-node! child state transformations))
(when-let [k (sel/accept-key state)]
((transformations k) node))))
(defn lockstep-transform! [nodes transformations-map]
(let [state (sel/lockstep-automaton (keys transformations-map))
transformations (vec (map #(or % (constantly nil))
(vals transformations-map)))]
(doseq [n nodes]
(transform-node! n state transformations))))
(defn at!* [node-or-nodes rules]
(lockstep-transform! (sel/as-nodes node-or-nodes) rules))
(defn instantiate [node & {:as rules}]
(apply at!* (.cloneNode node true) rules))
;; transformations
(defn to-nodes [nodes]
(let [frag (.createDocumentFragment js/document)]
(doseq [n (remove (some-fn sequential? nil?) (tree-seq sequential? seq nodes))]
frag (cond
(string? n) (.createTextNode js/document n)
(number? n) (.createTextNode js/document (str n))
:else n)))
(defn set-attr! [& {:as attr-vals}]
#(doseq [[a v] attr-vals]
(.setAttribute % (str a) (str v))))
(defn content! [& children]
(dom/removeChildren %)
(dom/appendChild % (to-nodes children))))
(defn do->! [& transforms]
(fn [node]
(doseq [t transforms]
(t node))))
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