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Created January 3, 2011 11:57
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Save bendlas/763393 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
First stab at a WITH RECURSIVE construct for ClojureQL
(defmacro with-recursive [rectable cols [start-relation union step-relation] body-relation]
;; store info in meta data, since compile doesn't dispatch on relation type
`(let [start# ~start-relation
~rectable (project (table ~(keyword (name rectable)))
body# ~body-relation
step# ~step-relation
rec-steps# (:with-recursive (meta body#))]
(with-meta body#
(cons {:start start#
:step step#
:rectbl ~rectable
:all ~(= union :all)}
;; a possible approach to implement this properly could be to have compile dispatch on [(type tble) (:dialect tble)]
(defmethod clojureql.core/compile :recursive [tble db]
(loop [[{:keys [start step rectbl all]} & rest] (seq (:with-recursive (meta tble)))
[fmt & _ :as sql] ["%s"]]
(letfn [(merge-sql [body-str & param-groups]
(into (assoc sql 0 (format fmt body-str))
(remove nil? param-groups))))]
(if (and start step rectbl)
(let [[start-sql & start-params] (compile start nil)
[step-sql & step-params] (compile step nil)
stmt (format "WITH RECURSIVE %s(%s)AS(%s UNION%s %s) %%s"
(name (:tname rectbl))
(apply str
(map name (:tcols rectbl))))
(if all " ALL" "")
(recur rest
(merge-sql stmt start-params step-params)))
(apply merge-sql (compile tble nil))))))
;;;;;;;;;;; EXAMPLE USAGE
(with-recursive temp [:col1 :col2]
[(project (table :start) [:col1 :col2])
(project (table :step) [:col1 :col2])
temp :col1)]
(project temp [:col1 :col2]))
{:dialect :recursive})
; -> WITH RECURSIVE temp(col1,col2)AS(SELECT start.col1,start.col2 FROM start UNION SELECT step.col1,step.col2,temp.col1,temp.col2 FROM step JOIN temp USING(col1)) SELECT temp.col1,temp.col2 FROM temp
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