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Tree Behavior for PhalconPHP your table must have field : - parent_id type bigint null - lft type bigint null - rght type bigint null your model must provice setter and getter variabel method save this behvior on yourappName/models/Behavour/TreeBehavior.php use it on your model public function initialize() { $this->addBehavior(new TreeBehavior()…
* Tree behavior class
* PHP 5
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice
* @category Behavior
* @package Model.Behavior.Tree
* @author Benny L.E.P <>
* @license MIT License
namespace xPDPT\Models\Behavior;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Behavior;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\BehaviorInterface;
* Tree Behavior
* Enables a model object to act as a node-based tree. Using Modified Preorder Tree Traversal
* @see
* @author Benny Leonard Enrico Panggabean <>
* @package Model.Behavior.Tree
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @license GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
* @license MIT License
class TreeBehavior extends Behavior implements BehaviorInterface
* Temporary node holder
* @var object
protected $node;
* Temporary $properties holder
* @var array
protected $properties;
public function notify($eventType, $model)
switch ($eventType) {
case 'afterDelete':
case 'afterUpdate':
$this->rebuildTree($model, 1, null);
case 'beforeCreate':
public function missingMethod($model, $method, $arguments = array())
if ($method == 'startUp') {
return $this->startUp($model);
if ($method == 'getChildren') {
return $this->getChildren($model, $arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2]);
if ($method == 'getChildrenCount') {
return $this->getChildrenCount($model, $arguments[0]);
if ($method == 'getDescendantsCount') {
return $this->getDescendantsCount($model, $arguments[0]);
if ($method == 'getParent') {
return $this->getParent($model, $arguments[0]);
if ($method == 'getSelectables') {
if (empty($arguments[0])) {
$arguments[0] = '-';
return $this->getSelectables($model, $arguments[0]);
if ($method == 'getAllRoot') {
return $this->getAllRoot($model, $arguments[0]);
if ($method == 'getTree') {
return $this->getTree($model);
if ($method == 'rebuildTree') {
return $this->rebuildTree($model, 1, null);
if($method == 'getSubtree') {
return $this->getSubtree($model, $arguments[0]);
if($method == 'moveLeft') {
return $this->moveLeft($model, $arguments[0]);
if($method == 'moveRight') {
return $this->moveRight($model, $arguments[0]);
* @param string $stringSetterGetter
* @param string $key
* @return string
public function changeToFunctionString($stringSetterGetter = 'get', $key = 'id')
return $stringSetterGetter.ucfirst($key);
* initialiase variable node from table data
* @param type $model
* @return boolean
public function startUp($model)
$results = null;
if (!isset($this->properties)) {
$this->properties = $model->columnMap();
if (!isset($this->node)) {
$results = $model->find(
'order' => 'lft ASC'
$this->node = array();
if (!empty($results)) {
foreach ($results as $result) {
$this->node[$result->getId()] = $result;
return true;
* comparing two node based on left properties
* @param object $a
* @param object $b
* @return object
public static function cmpLeft($a, $b)
return $a->lft > $b->lft;
* sorting node based on left properties
* @return boolean
public function reOrderLookUpArray()
usort($this->node, array($this,"cmpLeft"));
return true;
* get node children, it can be returning array of node object, or array of array nodes
* @param object $model
* @param int $id
* @param boolean $childrenOnly
* @param boolean $typeObject
* @return array
public function getChildren($model, $id = null, $childrenOnly = false, $typeObject = true)
$parentHasIn = false;
$arrKeys = $model->columnMap();
$returnArray = array();
$children = array();
// if parent node exists in the lookup array OR we're looking for the topmost nodes
if (!empty($id) && !empty($this->node[$id])) {
foreach ($this->node as $node) {
// node's "left" is higher than parent node's "left"
// node's "left" is smaller than parent node's "right"
if (($node->getParentId() == $id) && ($this->node[$id]->getLft() < $node->getLft()) && ($node->getLft() < $this->node[$id]->getRght())) {
if (!$parentHasIn && !$childrenOnly) {
$children[] = $this->node[$id];
$parentHasIn = true;
$children[] = $node;
$returnArray = $children;
if(!$typeObject) {
$returnArray = array();
if (!empty($children)) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
foreach ($arrKeys as $key => $value) {
$returnArray[$i][$value] = $child->{$this->changeToFunctionString('get', $value)}();
return $returnArray;
* get children node based on parentId
* @param object $model
* @param int $parentId
* @return object
public function getChildrenBasedOnParentId($model, $parentId = null)
$arrKeys = $this->columnMap();
$returnArray = array();
$children = array();
$this->node = $model->find(
'conditions' => 'parentId is null'
if (!empty($parentId)) {
$this->node = $model->find(
'conditions' => 'parentId = '.$parentId
if (!empty($this->node)) {
foreach ($this->node as $node) {
// node's "left" is higher than parent node's "left"
// node's "left" is smaller than parent node's "right"
if (($node->parentId == $parentId)) {
$children[] = $node;
if (!empty($children)) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
foreach ($arrKeys as $key => $value) {
$returnArray[$i][$value] = $child->{$value};
return $returnArray;
* count children of node
* @param object $model
* @param int $id
* @return int
public function getChildrenCount($model, $id = null)
$result = 0;
if (!empty($this->node) && !empty($id)) {
$result = 0;
foreach ($this->node as $node) {
if ($node->getParentId() == $id) {
return $result;
* count descendat of node
* @param object $model
* @param int $id
* @return int
public function getDescendantsCount($model, $id = null)
$result = 0;
if (!empty($this->node) && !empty($id) && !empty($this->node[$id])) {
$result = ($this->node[$id]->getRght() - $this->node[$id]->getLft() - 1) / 2;
return $result;
* get parent node
* @param object $model
* @param int $id
* @return object
public function getParent($model, $id = null)
$node = null;
if (!empty($id)) {
$result = $model->findFirst($id);
$node = $model->findFirst($result->getParentId());
return $node;
* get node path
* @param object $model
* @param int $id
* @return array object
public function getPath($model, $id = null)
$parents = array();
if (!empty($id) && !empty($this->node[$id])) {
foreach ($this->node as $node) {
if( ($node->getLft() < $this->node[$id]->getLft()) && ($node->getRght() > $this->node[$id]->getRght())) {
$parents[] = $node;
return $parents;
* generate separator for getSelectables function
* @param string $name
* @param int $count
* @param char $separator
* @return string
public function generateSeparator($name = null, $count = 0, $separator = '-')
$returnStr = $name;
if(!empty($name) && $count > 0) {
$tempStr = '';
for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
$returnStr = $tempStr.$name;
return $returnStr;
* generate list for input form
* @param object $model
* @param char $separator
* @return array
public function getSelectables($model, $separator = '-')
$returnArray = array();
foreach ($this->node as $node) {
$returnArray[$node->getId()] = $this->generateSeparator($node->getName(), count($this->getPath($model, $node->getId())), $separator);
return $returnArray;
* get all root type node in table data
* @param object $model
* @param boolean $typeObject
* @return array object
public function getAllRoot($model, $typeObject = true)
$returnArray = null;
$arrKeys = $model->columnMap();
$rootArr = $model->find(
'conditions' => 'parentId is null',
'order' => 'lft ASC'
$returnArray = $rootArr;
if(!$typeObject) {
$returnArray = null;
if (!empty($rootArr)) {
foreach ($rootArr as $root) {
foreach ($arrKeys as $key => $value) {
$returnArray[$i][$value] = $root->{$this->changeToFunctionString('get', $value)}();
return $returnArray;
public function getLastRoot($model, $typeObject = true)
$node = null;
$rootArr = $this->getAllRoot($model, $typeObject);
if (!empty($rootArr[count($rootArr) -1])) {
$node = $rootArr[count($rootArr) -1];
return $node;
* get subtree of node
* @param object $model
* @param array $childrenData
* @return array
public function getSubtree($model, $childrenData = array())
if(!empty($childrenData)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($childrenData as $childData) {
if ($this->getChildrenCount($model, $childData['id']) > 0 ) {
$childrenData[$i]['children'] = $this->getChildren($model, $childData['id'], true, false);
$childrenData[$i]['children'] = $this->getSubtree($model, $childrenData[$i]['children']);
return $childrenData;
* get tree from table data
* @param object $model
* @return array
public function getTree($model)
$roots = null;
if ($model->count > 0) {
$roots = $this->getAllRoot($model, false);
if (!empty($roots)) {
foreach ($roots as $root) {
if ($this->getChildrenCount($model, $root['id']) > 0 ) {
$roots[$i]['children'] = $this->getChildren($model, $root['id'], true, false);
$roots[$i]['children'] = $this->getSubtree($model, $roots[$i]['children']);
return $roots;
* get children of node for rebuildTree function
* @param object $model
* @param int $parentId
* @return object
public function getChildForRebuildTree($model, $parentId = null)
$returnArray = null;
$arrKeys = $model->columnMap();
$returnArray = array();
$children = null;
if (!empty($parentId)) {
$children = $model->find(
'conditions' => 'parentId = '.$parentId,
'order' => 'id'
$returnArray = array();
if (!empty($children)) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
foreach ($arrKeys as $key => $value) {
$returnArray[$i][$value] = $child->{$this->changeToFunctionString('get', $value)}();
else {
$children = $model->find(
'conditions' => 'parentId is null',
'order' => 'id'
$returnArray = array();
if (!empty($children)) {
foreach ($children as $child) {
foreach ($arrKeys as $key => $value) {
$returnArray[$i][$value] = $child->{$this->changeToFunctionString('get', $value)}();
return $returnArray;
* check if node has children for function rebuildTree
* @param object $model
* @param int $parentId
* @return boolean
public function hasChildrenForRebuildTree($model, $parentId = null)
$returnBoolean = false;
$count = count($this->getChildForRebuildTree($model, $parentId));
if ($count > 0) {
$returnBoolean = true;
return $returnBoolean;
* Rebuild Tree based on parentId
* @param object $model
* @param int $counter
* @param int $parentId
* @return int
public function rebuildTree($model, $counter = 1, $parentId = null)
$limit = 999;
$children = $this->getChildForRebuildTree($model, $parentId);
$hasChildren = (bool)$children;
if ($parentId !== null) {
if ($hasChildren) {
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = '.$counter.' WHERE id = '.$parentId);
else {
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = '.$counter.', rght = '.($counter+1).' WHERE id = '.$parentId);
$counter += 2;
while ($children) {
foreach ($children as $row) {
$counter = $this->rebuildTree($model, $counter, $row['id']);
if (count($children) !== $limit) {
$children = $this->getChildForRebuildTree($model, $parentId);
if ($parentId !== null && $hasChildren) {
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET rght = '.$counter.' WHERE id = '.$parentId);
return $counter;
* set lft value and rght value of node before admiting to table
* @param object $model Model of the new node
* @return boolean true
public function setNodeProperties($model)
$lft = 1;
$rght = 2;
$rootType = true;
// check if node if root type or not
if (!empty($model->getParentId())) {
$rootType = false;
$model->lft = $lft;
$model->rght = $rght;
//check if not table empty
if ($model->count() > 0) {
if ($rootType) {
$lastNode = $model->findFirst(
'conditions' => 'parentId is null',
'order'=>'rght DESC',
if (!empty($lastNode)) {
$model->setLft($lastNode->getRght() + 1);
$model->setRght($lastNode->getRght() + 2);
else {
$parentHasChildren = false;
if ($this->getChildrenCount($model, $model->getParentId()) > 0) {
$parentHasChildren = true;
if ($parentHasChildren) {
$lastNode = $model->findFirst(
'conditions' => 'parentId = '.$model->getParentId(),
'order' => 'lft ASC',
'limit' => 1
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET rght = rght+2 WHERE rght > '.$lastNode->getRght());
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = lft+2 WHERE lft > '.$lastNode->getRght());
else {
$lastNode = $model->findFirst(
'conditions' => 'id = '.$model->getParentId(),
'order' => 'rght DESC',
'limit' => 1
//set value node
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET rght = rght+2 WHERE rght > '.$lastNode->getLft());
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = lft+2 WHERE lft > '.$lastNode->getLft());
return true;
* Deletes a node an all it's children
* @param integer $id id of the node to delete
* @return boolean true
public function removeNodeWithChildren($model)
if ($model->count() > 0) {
//$node = $model->findFirst($model->getId());
$round = round((($model->getRght() - $model->getLft()) + 1));
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('DELETE FROM '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' WHERE lft BETWEEN '.$model->getLft().' AND '.$model->getRght());
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = lft - '.$round.' WHERE lft >'.$model->getRght());
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET rght = rght - '.$round.' WHERE rght >'.$model->getRght());
return true;
* Deletes a node and increases the level of all children by one
* @param integer $id id of the node to delete
* @return boolean true
public function removeNodeWithoutChildren($model)
if ($model->count() > 0) {
if (empty($model->getParentId())) {
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET parent_id = NULL WHERE parent_id = '.$model->getId());
else {
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET parent_id = '.$model->getParentId().' WHERE parent_id = '.$model->getId());
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = lft - 1, rght = rght - 1 WHERE lft BETWEEN '.$model->getLft().' AND '.$model->getRght());
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = lft - 2 WHERE lft > '.$model->getLft());
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET rght = rght - 2 WHERE rght > '.$model->getRght());
return true;
* Gets the id of a node depending on it's lft value
* @param integer $lft lft value of the node
* @return integer id of the node
public function getIdLeft($model, $lft)
$returnedId = null;
$node = $model->findFirst(
'conditions' => 'lft = '.$lft
if (!empty($node)) {
$returnedId = $node->getId();
return $returnedId;
* Gets the id of a node depending on it's rgt value
* @param integer $rgt rgt value of the node
* @return integer id of the node
public function getIdRight($model, $rght)
$returnedId = null;
$node = $model->findFirst(
'conditions' => 'rght = '.$rght
if (!empty($node)) {
$returnedId = $node->getId();
return $returnedId;
* Moves a node one position to the left staying in the same level
* @param $nodeId id of the node to move
* @return boolean true
public function moveLeft($model ,$id)
$node = $model->findFirst($id);
if (!empty($node->getId())) {
$brotherId = $this->getIdRight($model, $node->getLft() - 1);
if (!empty($brotherId)) {
$idsNotToMove = array();
$strSQL = '';
$brotherNode = $model->findFirst($brotherId);
$nodeSize = $node->getRght() - $node->getLft() + 1;
$brotherSize = $brotherNode->getRght() - $brotherNode->getLft() + 1;
$resultNotToMove = $model->find(
'conditions'=>'lft BETWEEN '.$node->getLft().' AND '.$node->getRght()
foreach ($resultNotToMove as $result) {
$idsNotToMove[] = $result->getId();
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = lft - '.$brotherSize.', rght = rght - '.$brotherSize.' WHERE lft BETWEEN '.$node->getLft().' AND '.$node->getRght());
$strSQL = 'UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = lft + '.$nodeSize.', rght = rght + '.$nodeSize.' WHERE lft BETWEEN '.$brotherNode->getLft().' AND '.$brotherNode->getRght();
foreach ($idsNotToMove as $idNotToMove) {
$strSQL.=' AND id !='.$idNotToMove;
return true;
* Moves a node one position to the right staying in the same level
* @param $nodeId id of the node to move
* @return boolean true
public function moveRight($model ,$id)
$node = $model->findFirst($id);
if (!empty($node->getId())) {
$brotherId = $this->getIdLeft($model, $node->getRght() + 1);
if (!empty($brotherId)) {
$idsNotToMove = array();
$strSQL = '';
$brotherNode = $model->findFirst($brotherId);
$nodeSize = $node->getRght() - $node->getLft() + 1;
$brotherSize = $brotherNode->getRght() - $brotherNode->getLft() + 1;
$resultNotToMove = $model->find(
'conditions'=>'lft BETWEEN '.$node->getLft().' AND '.$node->getRght()
foreach ($resultNotToMove as $result) {
$idsNotToMove[] = $result->getId();
$model->getDi()->get('db')->query('UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = lft + '.$brotherSize.', rght = rght + '.$brotherSize.' WHERE lft BETWEEN '.$node->getLft().' AND '.$node->getRght());
$strSQL = 'UPDATE '.$model->getSchema().'.'.$model->getSource().' SET lft = lft - '.$nodeSize.', rght = rght - '.$nodeSize.' WHERE lft BETWEEN '.$brotherNode->getLft().' AND '.$brotherNode->getRght();
foreach ($idsNotToMove as $idNotToMove) {
$strSQL.=' AND id !='.$idNotToMove;
return true;
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