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Last active November 20, 2023 19:10
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This script implements Convey's "Game of Life" in Blender 2.8.
# blender 2.8
This script implements Convey's "Game of Life" in Blender 2.8
It relies on the blender file containing a mesh called "Cube"
(sidelength = 1) and an empty collection called "Grid".
import bpy
from random import random
gridsize = 20 # number of tiles in the grid (x/y-axis)
tile_size = 10./gridsize # the number descirbes grid dimension
time_stretch = 3 # distance between keyframes (iteration steps)
class Tile():
grid = [[None for x in range(gridsize)] for y in range(gridsize)]
stepnr = 1
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.grid[x][y] = self # put the Tile object in the grid array
self.x, self.y = x, y
# make a new object from the default cube:
obj ="Cube",["Cube"])
obj.location = (x*tile_size,y*tile_size,0)
obj.scale = [tile_size, tile_size, tile_size]["Grid"]
self.obj = obj = False
self.nextlife = False
def get_neighbors(self):
x, y = self.x, self.y
l = x-1
r = x+1 if x<gridsize-1 else 0
d = y-1
u = y+1 if y<gridsize-1 else 0
g = self.grid
self.neighbors = [g[l][u], g[x][u], g[r][u], g[r][y],
g[r][d], g[x][d], g[l][d], g[l][y]]
def random_life(self):
if random() < .2:
self.nextlife = True
def check(self):
sum = len([1 for n in self.neighbors if])
if and (sum < 2 or sum > 3):
self.nextlife = False
elif sum == 3:
self.nextlife = True
def update(self):
if self.nextlife:
if # staying alive
self.obj.scale.z += .5*tile_size
else: # birth
self.obj.scale.z = 3 * tile_size
else: self.obj.scale.z = 1 * tile_size = self.nextlife
self.obj.keyframe_insert(data_path = "scale",
index = 2, frame = Tile.stepnr * 2)
# delete old tiles
for obj in["Grid"].objects:["Grid"].objects.unlink(obj)
# initialize grid of tiles:
tiles = [Tile(x,y) for x in range(gridsize) for y in range(gridsize)]
for t in tiles:
# main loop:
iterations = 200
# set timeline length
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = time_stretch*iterations
for i in range(iterations):
for t in tiles: t.check()
for t in tiles: t.update()
Tile.stepnr += 1
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