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Created February 19, 2020 01:40
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Lecture 18:
Predicate logic
first steps in Lean
1. Predicates in Lean
2. Quantifiers in Lean
3. Inference rules for quantifiers in Lean
In predicate logic, there is always a DOMAIN OF REASONING.
Predicates are propositions that depend on a parameter
from that domain.
In Lean:
- a domain is called a "Type"
- a predicate is a function from the domain to the type Prop
section domain
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
variable Q : U → U → Prop
variables x y : U
#check P x
--P x : Prop
#check Q x y
--Q x y : Prop
end domain
--Let's look at some examples of domains and predicates:
section examples
#check ℕ
--ℕ : Type
--type of natural numbers
-- to enter, type \ nat
variable is_even: ℕ → Prop
#check is_even 2 --is_even 2 : Prop
#check is_even 5 --is_even 5 : Prop
variable n : ℕ
#check is_even n --is_even n : Prop
variable is_greater_than : ℕ → ℕ → Prop
#check is_greater_than 2 3 --is_greater_than 2 3 : Prop
#check is_greater_than n --is_greater_than n : ℕ → Prop
--Another example of domain
#check list ℕ --list ℕ : Type
variable is_empty : list ℕ → Prop
variable has_length : list ℕ → ℕ → Prop
#check [7,5,3] --[7, 5, 3] : list ℕ
#check is_empty [7, 5, 3] --is_empty [7, 5, 3] : Prop
#check has_length [7, 5, 3] 6 --has_length [7, 5, 3] 6 : Prop
end examples
The arrow "→" in "U → Prop" is the same as the one we use for implication.
Also, the application of a predicate to an element x : U,
denoted by juxtaposition "P x",
is the same concept as implication-elimination.
This will be made precise in a later lecture.
--We start with some examples:
section quantifiers
variable is_even : ℕ → Prop
#check ∃ x : ℕ, is_even x --∃ (x : ℕ), is_even x : Prop
#check ∃ x, is_even x --∃ (x : ℕ), is_even x : Prop
-- written \ exists
Observation: in Lean, the domain a quantifier ranges over is
always recorded, even if we leave it implicit
#check ∀ x : ℕ, is_even x --∀ (x : ℕ), is_even x : Prop
-- written \ forall
variable is_greater_than : ℕ → ℕ → Prop
#check ∀ x, ∃ y, is_greater_than x y
--∀ (x : ℕ), ∃ (y : ℕ), is_greater_than x y : Prop
end quantifiers
--How to put parentheses
--in a formula?
section parsing
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
variable Q : U → Prop
variable A : Prop
#check (∀ x, P x) → A
#check ∀ x, (P x → A)
#check ∀ x, P x → A
--The last two are synonymous
#check ∀ x, P x → Q x
--#check (∀ x, P x) → Q x
--This last one does not work, because the "x" in "Q x" is unknown to Lean:
--It is not in the scope of the quantifier ∀.
#check ∃ x, (P x → A)
#check ∃ x, P x → A
--The above two are synonymous
#check ∃ x, P x → Q x
--#check (∃ x, P x) → Q x
--General rule: anything after "∃ x" or "∀ x" can use "x", unless the scope of ∃ or ∀ is restricted by parentheses.
end parsing
section politicians
variable people : Type
variable trusts : people → people → Prop
variable politician : people → Prop
variable crazy : people → Prop
variable knows : people → people → Prop
variable related_to : people → people → Prop
variable rich : people → Prop
--Nobody trusts a politician
#check ¬ ∃ x : people, ∃ y : people, politician y ∧ trusts x y
--Anyone who trusts a politician is crazy.
--Everyone knows someone who is related to a politician.
--Everyone who is rich is either a politician or knows a politician.
end politicians
--Scroll down for the answers
--#check ∀ x : people, (∃ y, politician y ∧ trusts x y) → crazy x
--#check ∀ x : people, ∃ y : people, knows x y ∧ (∃ z : people, politician z ∧ related_to y z)
--#check ∀ x, rich x → (politician x ∨ ∃ y, knows x y ∧ politician y)
----∀ introduction------------
How to prove a formula starting with a ∀ ?
As always, use the corresponding INTRODUCTION rule!
On paper, that inference rule looks like this:
P (t)
--------- ∀ - introduction
∀ x, P (x)
Here, the variable t must be *general*.
We usually use this rule *from bottom to top* (backwards reasoning).
When doing so, we simply choose a variable of our liking.
In Lean, this looks like this:
section forall_introduction
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
example : ∀ x, P x := assume t : U, _
--Read "assume t : U" as "fix an arbitrary value t of U".
--Instead of t, we could call it anything else, e.g.,
example : ∀ x, P x := assume y : U, _
--Of course, we cannot finish this proof without further assumptions.
--Note that forall-introduction is similar to implication-introduction in Lean.
end forall_introduction
----∀ elimination-------------
How to use a formula starting with a ∀ ?
As always, use the corresponding ELIMINATION rule!
On paper, that inference rule looks like this:
∀ x, P (x)
--------- ∀ - elimination
P (t)
We usually use this rule *from top to bottom* (forwards reasoning).
When doing so, we simply replace all the *free* occurrences of x in P(x) by t.
In Lean, this looks like this:
section forall_elimination
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Type
variable h : ∀ x, P x
variable a : U
example : P a := h a
--Note that forall-elimination is similar to implication-elimination in Lean.
end forall_elimination
----∃ introduction------------
How to prove a formula starting with a ∃ ?
As always, use the corresponding INTRODUCTION rule!
On paper, that inference rule looks like this:
P (t)
--------- ∃ - introduction
∃ x, P (x)
We usually use this rule *from bottom to top* (backwards reasoning).
When doing so, we simply choose a variable of our liking.
In Lean, this looks like this:
section exists_introduction
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
variable y : U
variable p : P y
example : ∃ x, P x := exists.intro y p
--That is, to prove ∃ x, P x, we have to provide a specific y : U and a proof of P y
∃ introduction is similar to ∨ introduction:
we have to pick a y : U (analogous to picking left or right) and then
prove P y (analogous to proving the left or right side).
If we make the wrong choice, we might end up with an unprovable goal!
Example: when proving
∃ n : nat, is_even n
picking n to be 3 is an unwise choice, since
is_even 3
will be impossible to prove.
end exists_introduction
----∃ elimination-------------
How to use a formula starting with a ∃ ?
As always, use the corresponding ELIMINATION rule!
On paper, that inference rule looks like this:
∃ x, P (x) C
---------------------- ∃ - elimination
Intuition: when using a proof ∃ x : U, P x, we can assume having some
t : U and a proof of P(t).
But t must be *general*: we do not know anything about t except that
it satisfies P, i.e., that we have proof of P(t).
In Lean, this looks like this:
section exists_elimination
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
variable C : Prop
example (h1 : ∃ x, P x) : C :=
exists.elim h1
(assume t : U,
assume p : P t,
At this stage, the situation looks very much like the top-right
side of the inference rule above:
end exists_elimination
----EXAMPLE PROOFS------------
section examples
variable U : Type
variables P Q : U → Prop
example :
(∀ x, P x) → (∀ x, P x ∨ Q x) :=
assume h : ∀ x, P x,
assume t : U,
or.intro_left (Q t)
(h t)
example :
(∃ x, P x ∧ Q x) → (∃ x, Q x) :=
assume h : ∃ x, P x ∧ Q x,
exists.elim h
(assume t : U,
assume k : P t ∧ Q t,
exists.intro t (and.elim_right k))
end examples
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