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Created February 19, 2020 11:07
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Lecture 18:
Predicate logic
first steps in Lean
1. Predicates in Lean
2. Quantifiers in Lean
3. Inference rules for
quantifiers in Lean
In predicate logic, there is
Predicates are propositions that
depend on a parameter from that
In Lean:
- a domain is called a "Type"
- a predicate is a function
from the domain to the type
section domain
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
variable Q : U → U → Prop
variables x y : U
#check P x
--P x : Prop
#check Q x y
--Q x y : Prop
end domain
--Let's look at some examples
--of domains and predicates:
section examples
#check ℕ
--ℕ : Type
--type of natural numbers
-- to enter, type \ nat
variable is_even: ℕ → Prop
#check is_even 2
--is_even 2 : Prop
#check is_even 5
--is_even 5 : Prop
variable n : ℕ
#check is_even n
--is_even n : Prop
variable is_greater_than
: ℕ → ℕ → Prop
#check is_greater_than 2 3
--is_greater_than 2 3 : Prop
#check is_greater_than n
--is_greater_than n : ℕ → Prop
--Another example of domain
#check list ℕ --list ℕ : Type
variable is_empty : list ℕ → Prop
variable has_length : list ℕ → ℕ → Prop
#check [7,5,3]
--[7, 5, 3] : list ℕ
#check is_empty [7, 5, 3]
--is_empty [7, 5, 3] : Prop
#check has_length [7, 5, 3] 6
--has_length [7, 5, 3] 6 : Prop
end examples
The arrow → in U → Prop is
the same as the one we use for
Also, the application of a
predicate to an element x : U,
denoted by juxtaposition "P x",
is the same concept as
This will be made precise
in a later lecture.
formulate a predicate
x is a person,
y is an activity,
z is a place
Scroll down for one solution.
section likes
variable people : Type
variable activity : Type
variable place : Type
variable likes :
people → activity → place → Prop
end likes
--We start with some examples:
section quantifiers
variable is_even : ℕ → Prop
#check ∃ x : ℕ, is_even x
--∃ (x : ℕ), is_even x : Prop
#check ∃ x, is_even x
--∃ (x : ℕ), is_even x : Prop
-- written \ exists
Observation: in Lean, the
domain a quantifier ranges
over is
always recorded, even if we
leave it implicit
#check ∀ x : ℕ, is_even x
--∀ (x : ℕ), is_even x : Prop
-- written \ forall
variable is_greater_than
: ℕ → ℕ → Prop
#check ∀ x, ∃ y, is_greater_than x y
--∀ (x : ℕ), ∃ (y : ℕ), is_greater_than x y : Prop
end quantifiers
--How to put parentheses
--in a formula?
section parsing
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
variable Q : U → Prop
variable A : Prop
#check (∀ x, P x) → A
#check ∀ x, (P x → A)
#check ∀ x, P x → A
--The last two are synonymous
#check ∀ x, P x → Q x
--#check (∀ x, P x) → Q x
--This last one does not work,
--because the "x" in "Q x" is
--unknown to Lean:
--It is not in the scope of the
--quantifier ∀.
#check ∃ x, (P x → A)
#check ∃ x, P x → A
--The above two are synonymous
#check ∃ x, P x → Q x
--#check (∃ x, P x) → Q x
--General rule: anything after
--"∃ x" or "∀ x" can use "x",
--unless the scope of ∃ or ∀ is
--restricted by parentheses.
end parsing
section politicians
variable people : Type
variable trusts :
people → people → Prop
variable politician :
people → Prop
variable crazy :
people → Prop
variable knows :
people → people → Prop
variable related_to :
people → people → Prop
variable rich :
people → Prop
--Nobody trusts a politician
#check ¬ ∃ x : people,
∃ y : people,
politician y ∧ trusts x y
--Anyone who trusts a politician is crazy.
--Everyone knows someone who is related to a politician.
--Everyone who is rich is either a politician or knows a politician.
end politicians
--Scroll down for the answers
--#check ∀ x : people, (∃ y, politician y ∧ trusts x y) → crazy x
--#check ∀ x : people, ∃ y : people, knows x y ∧ (∃ z : people, politician z ∧ related_to y z)
--#check ∀ x, rich x → (politician x ∨ ∃ y, knows x y ∧ politician y)
----∀ introduction------------
How to prove a formula starting
with a ∀ ?
As always, use the corresponding INTRODUCTION rule!
On paper, that inference rule
looks like this:
P (t)
--------- ∀ - introduction
∀ x, P (x)
Hygiene: here, the variable t
must be *general*.
We usually use this rule
*from bottom to top*
(backwards reasoning).
When doing so, we simply
choose a variable of our liking;
Lean takes care of hygiene.
It looks like this:
section forall_introduction
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
example : ∀ x, P x :=
assume t : U, _
--Read "assume t : U" as
--"fix an arbitrary value t of U".
--Instead of t, we could call it
--anything else, e.g.,
example : ∀ x, P x :=
assume y : U, _
--Of course, we cannot finish
--this proof without further
--Note that forall-introduction
--is similar to
--in Lean.
end forall_introduction
----∀ elimination-------------
How to use a formula starting
with a ∀ ?
As always, use the corresponding ELIMINATION rule!
On paper, that inference rule
looks like this:
∀ x, P (x)
--------- ∀ - elimination
P (t)
We usually use this rule
*from top to bottom*
(forwards reasoning).
When doing so, we simply replace
all the *free* occurrences of
x in P(x) by t.
Lean takes care of variable
In Lean, this inference rule
looks like this:
section forall_elimination
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Type
variable h : ∀ x, P x
variable a : U
example : P a := h a
--Note that forall-elimination
--is similar to
--in Lean.
end forall_elimination
----∃ introduction------------
How to prove a formula starting
with a ∃ ?
As always, use the corresponding INTRODUCTION rule!
On paper, that inference rule
looks like this:
P (t)
--------- ∃ - introduction
∃ x, P (x)
We usually use this rule
*from bottom to top*
(backwards reasoning).
When doing so, we choose a
suitable t and prove P(t).
In Lean, this looks like this:
section exists_introduction
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
variable y : U
variable p : P y
example : ∃ x, P x :=
exists.intro y p
--That is, to prove ∃ x, P x,
--we have to provide a
--specific y : U and a proof of P y
∃ introduction is similar to
∨ introduction:
we have to pick a y : U (analogous to picking left or right) and
then prove P y
(analogous to proving the left
or right side of A ∨ B).
If we make the wrong choice,
we might end up with an
unprovable goal!
Example: when proving
∃ n : nat, is_even n
picking n to be 3 is an unwise choice, since
is_even 3
will be impossible to prove.
variable is_even : ℕ → Prop
example : ∃ n, is_even n :=
exists.intro 3 _
end exists_introduction
----∃ elimination-------------
How to use a formula starting
with a ∃ ?
As always, use the corresponding ELIMINATION rule!
On paper, that inference rule
looks like this:
∃ x, P (x) C
---------------------- ∃ - elim
Intuition: when using a proof
∃ x : U, P x, we can assume having
some t : U and a proof of P(t).
But t must be *general*:
we do not know anything about t
except that
it satisfies P, i.e.,
that we have proof of P(t).
In Lean, this looks like this:
section exists_elimination
variable U : Type
variable P : U → Prop
variable C : Prop
example (h1 : ∃ x, P x) : C :=
exists.elim h1
(assume t : U,
assume p : P t,
At this stage, the situation
looks very much like the top-right
side of the inference rule above:
end exists_elimination
----EXAMPLE PROOFS------------
section examples
variable U : Type
variables P Q : U → Prop
example :
(∀ x, P x) → (∀ x, P x ∨ Q x) :=
assume h : ∀ x, P x,
assume t : U,
or.intro_left (Q t)
(h t)
example :
(∃ x, P x ∧ Q x) → (∃ x, Q x) :=
assume h : ∃ x, P x ∧ Q x,
exists.elim h
(assume t : U,
assume k : P t ∧ Q t,
exists.intro t (and.elim_right k))
end examples
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