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Created March 8, 2020 23:31
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section exercise1
variable U : Type
variables A B C: U → Prop
example (h : ∀ x, A x → B x)
(k : ∃ x, A x)
: ∃ x, B x
:= sorry
exists.elim k
(assume t : U,
assume p : A t,
have q : B t, from h t p,
exists.intro t q)
end exercise1
section politicians
Consider some of the various ways of expressing “nobody trusts a politician” in first-order logic:
They are all logically equivalent. Show this for the second and the fourth, by giving natural deduction proofs of each from the other. (As a shortcut, in the ∀
introduction and elimination rules, you can introduce / eliminate both variables in one step.)
variable U : Type --shorter than "people"
variable politician : U → Prop
variable trusts : U → U → Prop
example (h : ∀ x, ∀ y, politician x → ¬ trusts y x)
: ∀ x, ∀ y, trusts y x → ¬ politician x
:= sorry
assume t : U,
assume s : U,
assume h1 : trusts s t,
assume h2 : politician t,
have k : politician t → ¬trusts s t, from h t s,
k h2 h1
example (h : ∀ x, ∀ y, trusts y x → ¬ politician x)
: ¬ ∃ x y, (politician x ∧ trusts y x)
:= sorry
assume k : ∃ x y, (politician x ∧ trusts y x),
exists.elim k
(assume t : U,
assume l : ∃ (y : U), politician t ∧ trusts y t,
exists.elim l
(assume s : U,
assume r : politician t ∧ trusts s t ,
have f : trusts s t → ¬ politician t, from h t s,
f (and.elim_right r) (and.elim_left r))
example (h : ¬ ∃ x y, (politician x ∧ trusts y x))
: ∀ x, ∀ y, trusts y x → ¬ politician x
:= sorry
assume t : U,
assume s : U,
assume p : trusts s t,
assume q : politician t,
(exists.intro t
(exists.intro s
(and.intro q p)))
end politicians
section bonus
variable U : Type
variables P R : U → Prop
variable Q : Prop
example (h1 : ∃ x, P x ∧ R x) (h2 : ∀ x, P x → R x → Q) : Q :=
exists.elim h1
(assume t : U,
assume h : P t ∧ R t,
h2 t (and.elim_left h) (and.elim_right h) )
end bonus
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