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Created March 24, 2020 03:24
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import data.sum --for sum.elim
import logic.basic --for empty.elim
open sum
section foo
variables A B : Prop
example : A ∧ B → B ∧ A := _
end foo
section foo
variables A B : Type
example : A × B → B × A := _
end foo
section foo
variables A B : Prop
example : A ∨ B → B ∨ A := _
end foo
section foo
variables A B : Type
example : A ⊕ B → B ⊕ A :=
λ x : A ⊕ B,
sum.elim _ _ x
end foo
or.elim and sum.elim are analogous, but they take the arguments in
a different order:
or.elim takes the proof of the disjunction as its first argument, whereas
sum.elim takes the term of type coproduct/sum as its third argument
section foo
variables A B C : Prop
example : A ∧ (B ∨ C) → A ∧ B ∨ A ∧ C:= _
end foo
section foo
variables A B C : Type
-- look at the construction of the function of type
-- A ⊕ B → B ⊕ A above for help on how to start
example : A × (B ⊕ C) → A × B ⊕ A × C:= _
end foo
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