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Last active July 9, 2019 17:20
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GRIMM 1.109 data logging interface
# GRIMM data collection script
# Ben Fasoli
import serial as ser # serial port use
import datetime # time stamps (UTC)
import re # regular expression matching
# Path to serial device ID
serialpath = '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller_D-if00-port0'
# Path for output csv files, ending in /
outpath = '/home/pi/data/'
# Serial baud rate
baud = 9600
print('GRIMM data logger initializing')
print('Contact Ben Fasoli with issues\n')
# Initialize serial device
s = ser.Serial(serialpath, baud)
while True:
# Initialize buffer
buf = ['']
while not buf[0].startswith('C'):
buf = [s.readline()]
tc = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# Read three additional records
buf = buf + [s.readline() for x in range(3)]
# Coerce buffer to single line
buf = ' '.join(buf)
buf = buf.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', ' ')
buf = re.sub('C.:|c.:|C.;|c.;', '', buf)
buf = re.sub('\s+', ',', buf)
if buf.endswith(','): buf = buf[0:-1]
buf = str(tc) + buf + '\n'
# Save to file
filename = outpath + tc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d.csv')
with open(filename, 'a+') as f:
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print('\n\nClosed successfully.\n\n')
if ! /usr/bin/screen -ls | /bin/grep -q log; then
/usr/bin/screen -S logging -dm /home/pi/
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