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Last active October 26, 2017 20:49
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Sync local database with remote CR1000 over TCP/IP
from flask import Flask, request, redirect
import requests
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/fetch_cr1000', methods=['GET'])
def fetch_cr1000():
ip = request.args.get('ip')
table = request.args.get('table')
t_start = request.args.get('t_start')
uri = ('http://' + ip + '/?command=dataquery&uri=dl:' + table +
'&format=TOA5&mode=since-time&p1=' + t_start)
return redirect(uri, code=302)
except TypeError:
response = ['Invalid API query.',
'Query requires the following three parameters',
'ip: IP address of remote CR1000',
'table: name of CR1000 table to query',
't_start: start time of data query, in format 2017-10-27T19:00:00',
return pre + '\r\n'.join(response) + post
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=9000, debug=True)
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Ben Fasoli
import pandas as pd
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pycampbellcr1000 import CR1000
def fetch_cr1000(ip, port, table, t_start=None, t_end=None):
Pull data from remote CR1000 using TCP/IP
Connects to device using tcp on the specified IP/port, downloads all data
available in table during the period between t_start and t_end, and returns
a pandas DataFrame.
ip (str): IP address
port (str/int): connection port
table (str): CR1000 table name containing desired data
t_start (datetime): time to begin data collection query
t_end (datetime): time to end data collection query
pandas.DataFrame: polled data, or None if a problem is encountered
d = CR1000.from_url('tcp:' + ip + ':' + str(port))
con = d.ping_node()
if not con:
print('Unable to connect to device')
return None
tbls = d.list_tables()
if not table in tbls:
print('Table ' + table + ' not found')
print('Available tables: ' + ', '.join(tbls))
return None
if t_end is None:
t_end = datetime.utcnow()
data = d.get_data(table, t_start, t_end)
return pd.DataFrame(data)
def fetch_lgr(ip, port, path='/projects/data/' + site + '/lgr-ugga/raw/'):
Pull data from remote LGR using TCP/IP
Connects to device using tcp on the specified IP/port and syncs local data
archive with remote /home/lgr/data/ directory using rsync.
ip (str): IP address
port (str/int): Connection port
path (str): path to local data archive
bool: True if successful connection and local archive update, False
d = CR1000.from_url('tcp:' + ip + ':' + str(port))
con = d.ping_node()
if not con:
print('Unable to connect to device')
return None
tbls = d.list_tables()
if not table in tbls:
print('Table ' + table + ' not found')
print('Available tables: ' + ', '.join(tbls))
return None
if t_end is None:
t_end = datetime.utcnow()
data = d.get_data(table, t_start, t_end)
return pd.DataFrame(data)
def find_last_file(site, path):
Determine last file in raw data archive
For site, identify the last sorted file in the measurement data archive and
return the full path to the file.
site (str): Abbreviation corresponding with site naming conventions and
data directories
str: Full path to the last file in the site's data directory, or None if no
files are found for the requested site.
# ld = '/projects/data/' + site + '/licor-6262/raw/'
# ld = '/uufs/' + site + '/licor-6262/raw/'
lf = os.listdir(path)
if len(lf) is 0:
return None
return path + lf[-1]
def find_last_time(site):
Find last time in sorted data archive
Retrieves the first column of the last row of the last file in site's data
archive and formats as datetime.
site (str): Abbreviation corresponding with site naming conventions and
data directories
datetime: time found on last line of file, or None if no file found or
error converting data to datetime
f = find_last_file(site, '/projects/data/' + site + '/licor-6262/raw/')
lt = tail(f)[0].split(',')[0]
return datetime.strptime(lt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
except ValueError:
return None
def lookup_ip(site):
Lookup IP address for site
site (str): Abbreviation corresponding with site naming conventions and
data directories
str: IP address, or None if site not found in table
ip = {
'dbk': '',
'heb': '',
'imc': '',
'lgn': '',
'rpk': '',
'sug': '',
'sun': '',
return ip[site]
except KeyError:
return None
def lookup_port(site):
Lookup connection port for site
site (str): Abbreviation corresponding with site naming conventions and
data directories
str: connection port, or None if site not found in table
port = {
'dbk': '6785',
'heb': '3001',
'imc': '6785',
'lgn': '6785',
'rpk': '6785',
'sug': '3001',
'sun': '6785',
return port[site]
except KeyError:
return None
def tail(f, n=1):
UNIX-style file tail
Returns the last n lines of file f.
f (str): Full path to file
n (int): number of lines to return, defaults to 1
list: strings for each line returned by tail, or None if f does not
exist or is not found found
if not os.path.isfile(f):
print('File ' + f + 'not found')
return None
cmd = 'tail -n ' + str(n) + ' ' + f
stdout = os.popen(cmd).readlines()
return stdout
if __name__ == '__main__':
site = 'dbk'
ip = lookup_ip(site)
port = lookup_port(site)
t_start = find_last_time(site)
co2 = fetch_cr1000(ip, port, 'Dat', t_start)
# # pm
# t_start = None #datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(0, 300)
# pm = pull_data(ip, port, 'PM', t_start, t_end)
# pm.head()
# pm.tail()
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