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Last active June 12, 2020 21:50
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Read STILT particle trajectories from python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
import os
import subprocess
import pandas as pd
class ReadTrajException(Exception):
"""Raised if non-zero error code returned by R"""
def read_traj(path):
"""Read STILT particle trajectories from rds file and return as pd.DataFrame"""
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise OSError(f'{path} not found')
cmd = ['Rscript', '-e',
f'write.table(readRDS("{path}")$particle, quote=F, sep=",", row.names=F)']
proc =, capture_output=True)
if proc.returncode != 0:
stdout = io.StringIO(proc.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
return pd.read_csv(stdout)
if __name__ == '__main__':
df = read_traj('example_traj.rds')
# time indx long lati zagl sigw ... wout mlht rain crai pres foot_no_hnf_dilution
# 0 -2 1 -111.8611 40.7437 27.5031 0.595 ... -0.024151 2480.77 0.000000 -0.9 859.34 0.003202
# 1 -2 2 -111.8610 40.7436 16.0465 0.595 ... -0.024151 2480.77 0.000000 -0.9 860.46 0.003202
# 2 -2 3 -111.8590 40.7412 0.1241 0.595 ... -0.024151 2480.77 0.000000 -0.9 861.10 0.003202
# 3 -2 4 -111.8598 40.7422 9.8509 0.595 ... -0.024151 2480.77 0.000000 -0.9 861.06 0.003202
# 4 -2 5 -111.8596 40.7420 3.6314 0.595 ... -0.024151 2480.77 0.000000 -0.9 861.10 0.003202
# ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
# 72575 -1440 191 -111.8181 40.2887 1101.1840 0.316 ... 1.504116 257.03 0.000003 -0.9 756.43 0.000000
# 72576 -1440 192 -111.8295 40.2660 17.6724 0.211 ... 0.012469 250.00 0.000008 -0.9 857.17 0.028139
# 72577 -1440 195 -114.2375 41.2536 1737.6335 2.880 ... 0.242759 4127.43 0.000000 -0.9 686.65 0.001895
# 72578 -1440 196 -112.3814 40.1736 1790.1379 0.709 ... -0.014207 712.07 0.000000 -0.9 676.88 0.000000
# 72579 -1440 200 -113.9733 37.5461 1152.4561 1.934 ... 0.535018 2353.55 0.000000 -0.9 705.82 0.000742
# [72580 rows x 28 columns]
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