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Created October 2, 2012 15:05
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public class BBaileyBook //the name of the class should be "Book"
private String bookName; //the variables need to be private because they are instance variables
private int bookISBN; //you don't need to assign default values because they are assigned in the constructors
public BBaileyBook(){ //default constructor named book that should provide default values ("" and 0, respectively) for the instance variables
bookName = ""; //when no arguments are passed, the title defaults to ""
bookISBN = 0; //when no arguments are passed, the ISBN defaults to 0
public BBaileyBook(String name, int isbn){ //creates a book object and assigns the name and isbn arguments to the instance variables
bookName = name; //these values are set to something that is passed, not the default
bookISBN = isbn; //set to the argument passed when the object is created
//modifier methods
public void setName(String newName){ //there is no return type and only one argument should be passed
bookName = newName;
public void setISBN(int newISBN){ //the data type of the argument is the same as the type of instance variable
bookISBN = newISBN;
//accessor methods
public String getName(){ //the accessor returns the same data type of the variable you wouuld have modified
return bookName; //returns bookName because it's a return method
public int getISBN(){ //one argument
return bookISBN;
//toString method
public String toString(){ //The purpose is to provide textual output from an object. It returns a string
return "The Title is: " + bookName + "\nThe ISBN is: " + bookISBN;
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