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Last active October 10, 2016 04:13
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ionic2 rc0 dragula bag limit 1

Set up dragula as per the other gist.

When something is dropped, we clear the target's children and then re-append the dropped element.

Should do this more Angular-ey, but ok for now.

<ion-content padding class="home">
<button ion-button color="primary" (click)="add()">Add</button>
<div class="deck">
> DropZone </div>
*ngFor='let item of items'
<div class="deck" [dragula]='"bag"'>
<p>drag from these to any of the cards above</p>
*ngFor='let item of source'
.home {
.deck {
// display: flex;
background: #FAFFB2;
white-space: nowrap;
height: 200px;
.deck:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;
.card {
display: block;
float: left;
background: #96FFE2;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
outline: 1px solid white;
.card .card {
background: yellow;
// pages home
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { trigger, state, style, transition, animate, keyframes } from '@angular/core';
import { DragulaService } from '../../modules/ng2-dragula-master/components/dragula.provider';
templateUrl: 'home.html',
animations: [
trigger('fadeInOut', [
state('in', style({opacity: '1'})),
transition('void => *', [
style({opacity: '0'}),
transition('* => void', [
animate(1000, style({opacity: '0'}))
trigger('SlideIn', [
state('in', style({transform: 'translateX(0)'})),
transition('void => *', [
animate(500, keyframes([
style({opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(-100%)', offset: 0}),
style({opacity: 0.2, transform: 'translateX(15px)', offset: 0.3}),
style({opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)', offset: 1.0})
export class Home {
items: any = ['a','b','c','d', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'];
source: any = ['zz','yy','xx'];
counter: number = 0;
dropzones: any = [0];
constructor( public dragulaService: DragulaService ) {
dragulaService.drop.subscribe((value) => {
let dropped = value[1];
let target = value[2];
this.oneChildPolicy(dropped, target);
oneChildPolicy(dropped, target) {
// This is using DOM manipulation,
// but that's what dragula is doing anyway so no biggie
// Clear out existing content
while(target.firstChild) {
// Replace the dropped element
add() {
console.log( 'counter', this.counter );
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