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Is nvim-colorizer
still useful/used with nightfox? Don't they conflict or override?
Is nvim-colorizer still useful/used with nightfox? Don't they conflict or override?
They serve different purposes. colorizer just changes text/hex values in the code you are editing into the appropriate color background. night fox is the color theme.
LSP/null-ls updates to deal with neovim 0.8
made Ivy the default picker layout for all the Telescope pickers
swapped the surround plugin put it back to original tpope surround as new one seems flakey
Changed Telescope buffers so it shows Most Recently Used and ignores the current buffer from the list
Added indent blank line and used options so it only shows on active buffer
Noticed that the mapping map("n", "n", "nzz")
, which I was using to move to the next search result but center it, was actually stopping the built it search result from displaying and updating. Removed those and similar mappings and removed some other mappings I never actually use like tab to move to next buffer.
Removed a few plugins I rarely use. removed stabilize as it is in Nightly core now as splitkeep option:
Added descriptions to mappings, added Which Key
Swapped to Lazy based config
Added mini.move for line bubbling and removed the existing mappings I had from mappings.lua
Added an LSP hover shortcut and a function to remove any popups when Esc is pressed.
Lualine has its own searchcount component now, so removed my own from Lualine config
Added comment box plugin and mappings, removed headlines plugin
Amended the LSP and mappings so that I only see diagnostic messages on a line with my mapping. Still get the gutter icon at all times.
Removing these:
treesitter-textobjects can go.
num2str comment
kylechui surround
welle targets
And replacing with these:
Updated the Kanagawa config to deal with breaking changes there
Gone back to Kylechui for surround; prefer it.
Gone back to nvim-autopairs over mini.pairs; think it works better
Updated auto-session config and lualine usage
Adding navbuddy
removed null-ls/pounce, trying conform and flash
switching out mini.comment as it seemed to constantly fail with block comments in scss/ts files.
Currently unused plugin configs now prefixed with 'x-' so they are at the bottom
Going back to Pounce, find Flash does too much
Added symbols from NerdFonts to Which key as the default ones were not showing up
Updated the options.lua file to add a !silent to the autocmd which stopped this error: Error detected while processing CursorHold Autocommands for "*": E11: Invalid in command-line window; <CR> executes, CTRL-C quits: checktime | endif
Found the solution here:
Also learnt that when you are in cmd mode, you can press ctrl+f
to get a window up that lets you enter commands like a normal buffer and press enter to execute. You can also then press ctrl+c
to exit that mode, and again to exit cmd mode!
Few tweaks for Which Key v3
Switched out separate renamer plugin for dressing.