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Last active May 6, 2024 12:47
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Factorio Lua DeadlineQueue
This provides a deadline queue, where the item is retured at the appropriate
tick or soon after if it has already expired.
Keys must be unique for the item. (entity.unit_number)
Values must be a table. The field "_deadline" is added to the table.
Conceptually, this is an infinite series of buckets with each spanning SLICE_TICKS tick.
The buckets are processed until empty and expired. Then we advance to the
next bucket. The prior buckets are always empty, so they are discarded.
Because "infinite" isn't possible, we use a circular queue of size SLICE_COUNT.
If the deadline for an entry is beyond the last bucket, it is placed in the
last bucket.
The next() function will check the deadline and re-add the entry if its
deadline is beyond the bucket's deadline.
In this way, a tick deadline that is beyond (SLICE_TICKS*SLICE_COUNT) is possible.
There are two modes: Exact and Coarse
Exact mode does what you'd expect. An entry is returned by next() only if it
has expired.
Coarse mode will return any entry from the current slice, even if it has not yet
expired. This is specifically for multi-layer queues.
local DeadlineQueue = {}
Add an item to the queue.
function DeadlineQueue.queue(self, key, val, deadline)
-- calculate the relative slice
local rel_slice = math.max(0, math.floor(deadline / self.SLICE_TICKS) - self.cur_slice)
-- limit the relative slice to the size of the circular queue
if rel_slice >= self.SLICE_COUNT then
rel_slice = self.SLICE_COUNT - 1
-- calculate the absolute queue index
local abs_index = 1 + (self.cur_index + rel_slice - 1) % self.SLICE_COUNT
-- set the deadline field and add it to the queue
val._deadline = deadline
self[abs_index][key] = val
Add an item to the queue if the deadline isn't out of range.
This allows using a more coarse DeadlineQueue if the deadline exceeds this one.
Might be more efficient than re-queueing items with distant deadlines.
function DeadlineQueue.queue_maybe(self, key, val, deadline)
-- calculate the relative slice.
local rel_slice = math.max(0, math.floor(deadline / self.SLICE_TICKS) - self.cur_slice)
-- bail if the relative slice is out of range
if rel_slice >= self.SLICE_COUNT then
return false
-- calculate the absolute index in the queues
local abs_index = 1 + (self.cur_index + rel_slice - 1) % self.SLICE_COUNT
-- set the deadline field and add it to the queue
val._deadline = deadline
self[abs_index][key] = val
return true
Remove a key from the queue.
This is relatively expensive, as it has to access all SLICE_COUNT queues.
function DeadlineQueue.purge(self, key)
for qq in ipairs(self) do
qq[key] = nil
Process the entries in the current queue.
This uses 'exact' mode, meaning that the returned entry will
have an expired deadline.
returns key, value
local now = game.tick
while true do
local deadline = self.deadline
local qidx = self.cur_index
local qq = self[qidx]
for key, val in pairs(qq) do
if now >= val._deadline then
-- this entry has expired
qq[key] = nil
return key, val
elseif val._deadline > deadline then
-- this item should not be in this slice. re-add it.
qq[key] = nil
DeadlineQueue.queue(self, key, val, val._deadline)
-- bail if there is something in the queue or it hasn't expired
if next(qq) or now < deadline then
-- advance to the next queue
-- NOTE: qidx is base 1, '%' is base 0, so there is an implicit +1
self.cur_index = 1 + (qidx % self.SLICE_COUNT)
self.cur_slice = self.cur_slice + 1
self.deadline = deadline + self.SLICE_TICKS
Grab any entries from the current slice.
Specifically for supporting the Dual queue mode.
The returned value may not have expired, but would expire in the current slice.
function DeadlineQueue.next_coarse(self)
local now = game.tick
while true do
local deadline = self.deadline
local qidx = self.cur_index
local qq = self[qidx]
for key, val in pairs(qq) do
if val._deadline > deadline then
-- this item should not be in this slice. re-add it.
qq[key] = nil
DeadlineQueue.queue(self, key, val, val._deadline)
-- this entry has expired
qq[key] = nil
return key, val
-- The queue should be empty at this point. Bail if the queue hasn't expired.
if now < deadline then
-- advance to the next queue
-- NOTE: qidx is base 1, '%' is base 0, so there is an implicit +1
self.cur_index = 1 + (qidx % self.SLICE_COUNT)
self.cur_slice = self.cur_slice + 1
self.deadline = deadline + self.SLICE_TICKS
Create a new DeadlineQueue instance.
function, slice_ticks)
local inst = {
SLICE_TICKS = slice_ticks,
SLICE_COUNT = slice_count,
cur_slice = math.floor(game.tick / slice_ticks),
inst.cur_index = 1 + (inst.cur_slice % slice_count)
inst.deadline = (1 + inst.cur_slice) * slice_ticks
-- create the queues
for idx = 1, slice_count do
inst[idx] = { }
return inst
return DeadlineQueue
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