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Last active April 16, 2021 21:42
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List of preferred words/phrases

A number of phrases have worked their way into our language to the point we can't easily hear how they might cause others to feel uneasy. Good-hearted, well-intentioned people often use these phrases. I don't judge people that do. However, we all can put forward an effort to choose better words when we communicate. In fact, many of the alternatives do a far better job of communicating a concept.

To help shape better language in your communities, you can:

  1. Replace your own usage of terms
  2. Give direct constructive feedback to those that employ such terms ("Jim, I noticed you had written that the holiday party was 'crazy' last year. I know you didn't mean it that way, but some people with mental illness might be thrown by that usage. Perhaps 'wild' would do just as well next time.")
  3. Correct or redirect usage of terms in the course of a discussion ("We can develop a black list of IP addresses." ... "Great idea. If it's OK with you, I suggest we use the term blocked list to be more direct and inclusive.")
Common Term Issues Alternative Term
Black List / White List Racial connotation Blocked List / Allowed List
Capture (in business development) Adverserial - something you do to an enemy/victim Pursuit
Grandfathered in (like grandfather clause) Segregation/oppression history Carried forward, legacy
Guys Gender bias People, Y'all, Everyone
Mine Field Violent imagery Thorny
Peanut Gallery Racist history Critics, armchair quarterbacks
Resources (to mean people) Dehumanizing - Humans aren't machines People
Crazy ("that project was crazy") Ableist / derogatory term toward mental illness (hopefully you wouldn't use the term toward a person with an actual mental illness) Wild, bananas, hectic, toxic, rough
Sane ("hopefully this approach will help us all stay sane throughout this project") Ableist (generally no need to use the term for a person except in specific contexts) Calm, Well-functioning, smooth
Crippled ("losing that person really crippled the team") Ableist / derogatory Hindered, hampered, harmed
Paralyzed ("the new manager paralyzed the company's decision-making") Ableist Hindered, hampered, stalled
Beat it to death / beat this horse to death Violent imagery Overdone it, exhausted the topic, said plenty on this
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