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Last active September 5, 2018 18:59
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Convert NDB result to JSON Serializable data
def make_ndb_return_data_json_serializable(data):
"""Build a new dict so that the data can be JSON serializable"""
result = data.to_dict()
record = {}
# Populate the new dict with JSON serializiable values
for key in result.iterkeys():
if isinstance(result[key], datetime.datetime):
record[key] = result[key].isoformat()
record[key] = result[key]
# Add the key so that we have a reference to the record
record['key'] =
return record
def filter_results(qry):
Send NDB query result to serialize function if single result,
else loop through the query result and serialize records one by one
result = []
# check if qry is a list (multiple records) or not (single record)
if type(qry) != list:
record = make_ndb_return_data_json_serializable(qry)
return record
for q in qry:
return result
# Usage:
# qry = TodoModel.query().fetch()
# serialized_results = filter_results(qry)
# self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
# self.response.write(json.dumps(serializable_results))
# Example:
# For a working implemented example of this, see:
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Thanks! Work excellent!!! Thank you very much!

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