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Created December 5, 2017 16:01
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Hacky script to take a look at some Honeybadger errors
require 'rubygems'
require 'colorize'
total_notices_count, total_logged_in_count = 0, 0
project_id = 42287
require 'base64'
require 'httparty'
token = Base64.encode64(token)
headers = { "Authorization" => "Basic #{token}", "Accept" => 'application/json' }
# This returns the 25 most recent faults.
fault_response = HTTParty.get("{project_id}/faults?order=recent", headers: headers)
faults = JSON.parse(fault_response.body)["results"]
fault_ids = { |x| x["id"] }
puts "We are retrieving the last 25 faults."
puts "Retrieved #{fault_ids.count} fault ids as follows: #{fault_ids.join(', ')}."
puts "----------"
puts "These are the errors we found \n"
puts "----------"
faults.each do |fault|
notices_count, logged_in_count = 0, 0
puts "#{fault['klass']} in #{fault['component']}/#{fault['action']} with message: #{fault['message']}."
puts "#{fault['notices_count']} instances of this error since #{fault['created_at']}.".colorize(:yellow)
notices_response = HTTParty.get("{project_id}/faults/#{fault["id"]}/notices", headers: headers)
parsed_notices = JSON.parse(notices_response.body)['results']
parsed_notices.each do |notice|
notices_count += 1
if notice["request"].dig("session", "backend", "user_id") || notice["request"].dig("session", "backend", "user_id")
logged_in_count += 1
puts "TOTAL NOTICES: #{notices_count} (maximum 25)".colorize(:red)
puts "WHERE USER IS LOGGED IN: #{logged_in_count} (maximum 25)".colorize(:red)
puts "------"
total_notices_count += notices_count
total_logged_in_count += total_logged_in_count
puts '---- Finished: TOTALS ----'
puts "TOTAL NOTICES: #{total_notices_count}".colorize(:blue)
puts "WHERE USER IS LOGGED IN: #{total_logged_in_count}".colorize(:blue)
puts '---- ----'
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