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require 'faraday'
require 'json'
class Strains
def self.all_strains
response = Faraday.get("")
strains_json = JSON.parse(response.body)
strains_json.collect {|strain| new (strain)}
require 'faraday'
require 'json'
class Strains
def self.all_strains
response = Faraday.get("")
strains_json = JSON.parse(response.body)
strains_json.collect {|strain| new (strain)}
class Fixnum
def to_roman
number = self do |decimal, roman|
quotient, modulus = number.divmod(decimal)
number = modulus
roman * quotient
Refactor the Custom View Process
- TL;DR; Solutions will be overseeing ALL custom view generation, exclusively or through pairing with an implementation team member with more defined releases
- Problem: There is a very large technical knowledge gap that is resulting in increasing demands from views without the appropriate knowledge of how to approach them with performance and stability in mind
- Performance: For example, I run the queries manually before posting them and query times for some recent data intensive views have been 80+ seconds.
- Biggest problem is that even though the datatable will time out, the query won't be killed in the DB. Often this leads to many page refreshes, and many queries. This has taken prod down, and we can't set timeout limits in the DB without affecting advanced reporting
- Customer Demands
- There are some things that exist in GoodData that people desire in the Reporting tab, but are not ideal on our postgres database
- ex: SWS all poss
Distractions and Focused Time
Overall issue: It's been many a retro where distractions have come up as a huge issue, potential blocker and overall detractor from being able to focus.
We've noticed an increasing number of distractions through slack, email, customer deadlines, blocked stories (not enough information going into it), meetings, walkups (either a result of us ignoring slack and someone 'needing' a response or our placement on the bathroom highway), support questions and just the typical noise from the office as we grow in people.
Overall Symptom: No one (generalizing a bit here) on Solutions feels confident that they will get more than 30-40 minutes of uninterrupted focus time at any point throughout the work day.
Almost all of us wear headphones now for the majority of the day.
It was the nicest alternative to putting a sign up that says "Fuck off, I'm working" that we could think of, and it has allowed us to squeeze out those 30 minutes here and there.
It's not ideal as a team or sustainable