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Created August 21, 2012 20:16
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Save benhowes/3419008 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
prove to your intuition that you cannot predict coin tosses any better than chance with a knowledge of the recent flips!
runs = 1000000
Math.RandomInteger = (n, m) ->
if not m then m = 1 # default range starts at 1
max = if n > m then n else m # doesn<q>t matter which value is min or max
min = if n is max then m else n # min is value that is not max
d = max - min + 1 # distribution range
Math.floor(Math.random() * d + min)
initBuffer = (len)->
buffer = new ArrayBuffer(len)
stack = new Uint8Array(buffer);
for i in [0..len] by 2
stack[i] = 0;
stack[i+1] = 1;
normal = ()->
0 #always choose 0
random = ()->
regress = ()->
stack = initBuffer(4)
overwrite = 0
stack[(overwrite++%4)] = 0
sum = 0
for i in stack
sum += i
if sum is 2 then Math.RandomInteger(0,1)
else if sum > 2 then 0 #based on resent history guess differently
else 1
regressLong = ()->
stack = initBuffer(10)
overwrite = 0
stack[(overwrite++%10)] = 0
sum = 0
for i in stack
sum += i
if sum is 2 then Math.RandomInteger(0,1)
else if sum > 2 then 0 #based on resent history guess differently
else 1
versions =
'normal' : normal()
'random' : random()
'regress 4' : regress()
'regress 10' : regressLong()
main = ()->
results = {}
for version of versions
results[version] = 0
prevResult = 0 #not fair, but nothing we can do...
for i in [1..runs]
result = Math.RandomInteger(0,1)
for version of versions
guess = versions[version](prevResult)
if guess is result
prevResult = result #propegate the result
if (i % 10000) is 0
console.log("#{i*100/runs}% complete")
#print out the results
for version of versions
console.log("variable #{version} was sucessful #{results[version]*100/runs}% of the time")
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Line 48 and Line 49 should be comparing sum to 5, not 2.

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