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Created March 16, 2022 17:43
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c# core health check that looks at the result of the query to determine healthy or not
using System;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks;
public class SqlExamineResultHealthCheck : IHealthCheck
private const string _defaultTestQuery = "Select 1";
public string ConnectionString { get; }
public string TestQuery { get; }
public SqlExamineResultHealthCheck(string connectionString)
: this(connectionString, testQuery: _defaultTestQuery)
public SqlExamineResultHealthCheck(string connectionString, string testQuery)
ConnectionString = connectionString ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connectionString));
TestQuery = testQuery;
public async Task<HealthCheckResult> CheckHealthAsync(HealthCheckContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
var returnValue = HealthCheckResult.Healthy();
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
await connection.OpenAsync(cancellationToken);
if (TestQuery != null)
var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = TestQuery;
var result = await command.ExecuteScalarAsync(cancellationToken);
if(result == null || 1 != (int)result)
returnValue = new HealthCheckResult(status: context.Registration.FailureStatus);
catch (DbException ex)
returnValue = new HealthCheckResult(status: context.Registration.FailureStatus, exception: ex);
return returnValue;
.AddDbContextCheck<ApplicationDbContext>("Db Context", Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.HealthStatus.Unhealthy)
.AddTypeActivatedCheck<SqlExamineResultHealthCheck>("Db Stored Procedure Call", Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.HealthStatus.Degraded, Configuration.GetConnectionString("Connection"), @"DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[CHECK_SERVER]
@pSRC_DB = 1
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value")
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