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Created August 3, 2023 19:42
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small benchmark for zoomerjoin
# Sample million rows from DIME dataset
data_1 <-, 10^6))
names(data_1) <- c("id_1", "name")
data_2 <-, 10^6))
names(data_2) <- c("id_2", "name")
# Generate datasets for euclidean join benchmarking
n <- 10^5
p <- 50
X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
X_1 <-
X_2 <- + .000000001)
# Get time and memory use statistics for fuzzyjoin when performing jaccard join
fuzzy_jaccard_bench <- function(n){
time <- microbenchmark(
stringdist_inner_join(data_1[1:n, ],
data_2[1:n, ],
method = "jaccard",
max_dist = .6,
q = 4
times = 4
)$time %>%
mem <- profmem(stringdist_inner_join(data_1[1:n, ],
data_2[1:n, ],
method = "jaccard",
max_dist = .6,
q = 4
)) %>%
return(c(time = time, memory = mem))
# Get time and memory use statistics for zoomerjoin when performing jaccard join
zoomer_jaccard_bench <- function(n) {
time <- microbenchmark(
jaccard_inner_join(data_1[1:n, ], data_2[1:n, ],
by = "name", band_width = 11,
n_bands = 350, threshold = .7,
n_gram_width = 4
times = 4
)$time %>%
mem <- profmem(
jaccard_inner_join(data_1[1:n, ], data_2[1:n, ],
by = "name", band_width = 11,
n_bands = 350, threshold = .7,
n_gram_width = 4
) %>%
return(c(time = time, memory = mem))
# Get time and memory use statistics for fuzzyjoin when performing Euclidean join
fuzzy_euclid_bench <- function(n) {
time <- microbenchmark(
distance_join(X_1[1:n, ], X_2[1:n, ], max_dist = .1, method = "euclidean"),
times = 4
)$time %>%
mem <- total(profmem(
distance_join(X_1[1:n, ], X_2[1:n, ], max_dist = .1, method = "euclidean")
return(c(time = time, memory = mem))
# Get time and memory use statistics for zoomerjoin when performing Euclidean join
zoomer_euclid_bench <- function(n) {
time <- microbenchmark(
euclidean_inner_join(X_1[1:n, ], X_2[1:n, ],
threshold = .1, n_bands = 90,
band_width = 2, r = .1
times = 4
)$time %>%
mem <- profmem(euclidean_inner_join(X_1[1:n, ], X_2[1:n, ],
threshold = .1, n_bands = 90,
band_width = 2, r = .1
)) %>%
return(c(time = time, memory = mem))
# Run Grid of Jaccard Benchmarks, Collect results into DF
n <- seq(100, 1000, 100)
names(n) <- n
fuzzy_jacard_benches <- map_df(n, fuzzy_jaccard_bench, .id="n")
zoomer_jacard_benches <- map_df(n, zoomer_jaccard_bench, .id="n")
fuzzy_jacard_benches$package <- "fuzzyjoin"
zoomer_jacard_benches$package <- "zoomerjoin"
jaccard_benches <- bind_rows(fuzzy_jacard_benches, zoomer_jacard_benches)
jaccard_benches$join_type <- "Jaccard Distance"
# Run Grid of Euclidean Benchmarks, Collect results into DF
n <- seq(100, 1000, 100)
names(n) <- n
fuzzy_euclid_benches <- map_df(n, fuzzy_euclid_bench, .id="n")
zoomer_euclid_benches <- map_df(n, zoomer_euclid_bench, .id="n")
fuzzy_euclid_benches$package <- "fuzzyjoin"
zoomer_euclid_benches$package <- "zoomerjoin"
euclid_benches <- bind_rows(fuzzy_euclid_benches, zoomer_euclid_benches)
euclid_benches$join_type <- "Euclidean Distance"
sim_data <- bind_rows(euclid_benches, jaccard_benches) %>%
pivot_longer(c(time, memory)) %>%
mutate(value = ifelse(name =="time", value / 10^9, value / 10^6)) # convert ns to s and bytes to Gb.
write_csv(sim_data, "sim_data.csv")
sim_data %>%
name = ifelse(name == "time", "Time Usage (s)", "Memory Usage (MB)"),
join_type = ifelse(join_type == "Jaccard Distance",
"Jaccard Distance Join",
"Euclidean Distance Joins"),
) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=as.numeric(n), y=value, col = package, linetype = package)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~ join_type + name, scales = 'free') +
scale_y_continuous("Time (s) / memory (MB)")
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