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Created March 3, 2014 12:35
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Save beniwohli/9324072 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Management command to copy a whole CMS site
from optparse import make_option
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.db import transaction
from cms.models import Page
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = 'Copy the CMS pagetree from a specific SITE_ID.'
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
make_option('--from', dest='from_site', default=None,
help='Specifies the SITE_ID to copy from.'),
make_option('--to', dest='to_site', default=None,
help='Specifies the SITE_ID to copy to.')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
from_site = options.get('from_site', None)
to_site = options.get('to_site', None)
if not from_site or not to_site:
raise CommandError("You must use --from and --to to use this command.")
site = self.get_site(to_site)
pages = Page.objects.filter(site=from_site, level=0)
def go():
for page in pages:
page.copy_page(None, site)
self.stdout.write("Copied CMS Tree from SITE_ID {0} successfully to SITE_ID {1}.\n".format(from_site, to_site))
go = transaction.commit_on_success(go)
def get_site(self, site_id):
return Site.objects.get(pk=site_id)
except Site.DoesNotExist:
raise CommandError("\nUnknown site: {0}. Please create a new site first.\n".format(site_id))
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