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Created March 19, 2018 16:08
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Composable lens hierarchy using default interface implementations
interface ISetter<in S, out T, out A, in B>
T Rewrite(S oldContainer, Func<A, B> rewriter);
interface IFold<in S, out A>
R Aggregate<R>(S container, R seed, Func<R, A, R> aggregator);
interface ITraversal<in S, out T, out A, in B> : ISetter<S, T, A, B>, IFold<S, A>
T SetList(S oldContainer, IEnumerable<B> newChildren);
T Rewrite(S oldContainer, Func<A, B> rewriter)
=> SetList(oldContainer, this.GetList(container).Select(rewriter));
interface IGetter<in S, out A> : IFold<S, A>
A Get(S container);
R Aggregate<R>(S container, R seed, Func<R, A, R> aggregator)
=> aggregator(seed, Get(container));
interface ILens<in S, out T, out A, in B> : ITraversal<S, T, A, B>, IGetter<S, A>
T Set(S oldContainer, B newValue);
T SetList(S oldContainer, IEnumerable<B> newChildren)
=> Set(oldContainer, newChildren.Single());
interface IReview<out T, in B>
T Inject(B value);
interface IPrism<in S, out T, out A, in B> : IReview<T, B>, ITraversal<S, T, A, B>
IEither<T, A> TryGet(S value);
R Aggregate<R>(S container, R seed, Func<R, A, R> aggregator)
var result = TryGet(container);
if (result.IsLeft)
return seed;
return aggregator(seed, result.Right);
T SetList(S oldContainer, IEnumerable<B> newChildren)
=> Inject(newChildren.Single());
interface IEither<out T, out U>
R Match<R>(Func<T, R> ifLeft, Func<U, R> ifRight);
static class Lens
public static ILens<S, T, U, V> _(this ILens<S, T, A, B> lens1, ILens<A, B, U, V> lens2);
public static ITraversal<S, T, U, V> _(this ITraversal<S, T, A, B> traversal1, ITraversal<A, B, U, V> traversal2);
public static IGetter<S, U> _(this IGetter<S, A> getter1, IGetter<A, U> getter2);
public static ISetter<S, T, U, V> _(this ISetter<S, T, A, B> setter1, ISetter<A, B, U, V> setter2);
public static IFold<S, U> _(this IFold<S, A> fold1, IFold<A, U> fold2);
public static IPrism<S, T, U, V> _(this IPrism<S, T, A, B> prism1, this IPrism<A, B, U, V> prism2);
public static IReview<T, V> _(this IReview<T, B> review1, IReview<B, V> review2);
public static A Get<S, A>(this S container, IGetter<S, A> getter);
public static T Set<S, T, A, B>(this S container, ISetter<S, T, A, B> setter, B newValue);
public static ImmutableList<A> GetList<S, A>(this S container, IFold<S, A> fold);
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