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Last active May 16, 2018 09:50
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Kleisli and Eilenberg-Moore decompositions and their corresponding monad transformers
open import Agda.Primitive
module _ {l : Level} where
record Category : Set (lsuc l) where
infixr 10 _~>_
infixr 90 _o_
Obj : Set l
_~>_ : Obj -> Obj -> Set
id : forall {x} -> x ~> x
_o_ : forall {x y z} -> y ~> z -> x ~> y -> x ~> z
record Functor (c d : Category) : Set l where
open Category c renaming (Obj to C)
open Category d renaming (Obj to D ; _~>_ to _>~_)
F : C -> D
map : forall {x y} -> x ~> y -> F x >~ F y
record Monad (c : Category) : Set l where
open Category c
open Functor
endofunctor : Functor c c
return : forall {x} -> x ~> F endofunctor x
join : forall {x} -> F endofunctor (F endofunctor x) ~> F endofunctor x
M = Functor.F endofunctor
liftM = endofunctor
record Adjunction (c d : Category) : Set l where
open Category c renaming (Obj to C)
open Category d renaming (Obj to D ; _~>_ to _>~_ ; _o_ to _O_)
open Functor
left : Functor c d
right : Functor d c
unit : forall {x} -> x ~> (F right (F left x))
counit : forall {x} -> F left (F right x) >~ x
open Functor left renaming (F to L ; map to lmap) public
open Functor right renaming (F to R ; map to rmap) public
monad : Monad c
monad = record {
endofunctor = record {
F = \x -> R (L x);
map = \f -> rmap (lmap f)
return = unit;
join = rmap counit
trans : Monad d -> Monad c
trans m = record {
endofunctor = record {
F = \x -> R (M (L x));
map = \f -> rmap (liftM (lmap f))
return = rmap return o unit;
join = rmap join o rmap (liftM counit)
where open Monad m
module Decomp {c : Category} (m : Monad c) where
open Category c
open Monad m
kleisli : Category
kleisli = record {
Obj = Obj;
_~>_ = \x y -> x ~> M y;
id = return;
_o_ = \f g -> join o liftM f o g
kleisliAdj : Adjunction c kleisli
kleisliAdj = record {
left = record {
F = \x -> x;
map = \f -> return o f
right = record {
F = M;
map = \f -> join o liftM f
unit = return;
counit = id
record Alg : Set l where
Carrier : Obj
eval : M Carrier ~> Carrier
open Alg
em : Category
em = record {
Obj = Alg;
_~>_ = \a1 a2 -> Carrier a1 ~> Carrier a2;
id = id;
_o_ = _o_
emAdj : Adjunction c em
emAdj = record {
left = record {
F = \c -> record { Carrier = M c ; eval = join };
map = liftM
right = record {
F = \c -> Carrier c;
map = \f -> f
unit = return;
counit = \{x} → eval x
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