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Forked from pvieito/
Last active February 24, 2023 04:40
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View VGA frames from an HDL simulation
""" - Pedro José Pereira Vieito © 2016
View VGA output from a VHDL simulation.
Ported from VGA Simulator:
by Eric Eastwood <>
More info about how to generate VGA output from VHDL simulation here:
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from typing import List
from PIL import Image
except ImportError as e:
print("Run `pip install Pillow` and try again")
def time_conversion(unit_from: str, unit_to: str, value: int):
seconds_to = {
"fs": 1e-15,
"ps": 1e-12,
"ns": 1e-9,
"us": 1e-6,
"ms": 1e-3,
"s": 1,
"sec": 1,
"min": 60,
"hr": 3600,
return seconds_to[unit_from] / seconds_to[unit_to] * value
def bin_to_color(binary):
# Returns a value 0-255 corresponding to the bit depth
# of the binary number and the value.
# This is why your rgb values need to be padded to the full bit depth
return int(int(binary, 2) / int("1" * len(binary), 2) * 255)
def parse_line(line: str):
# 50 ns: 1 1 000 000 00
time, unit, hsync, vsync, r, g, b = line.replace(':', '').split()
return time_conversion(unit, "sec", int(time)), int(hsync), int(vsync), bin_to_color(r), bin_to_color(g), bin_to_color(b)
def render_vga(lines: List[str], width: int, height: int, pix_clk: float, hbp: int, vbp: int, max_frames: int) -> None:
PIX_CLK_T = 1 / pix_clk
h_counter = 0
v_counter = 0
back_porch_x_count = 0
back_porch_y_count = 0
last_hsync = -1
last_vsync = -1
time_last_line = 0 # Time from the last line
time_last_pixel = 0 # Time since we added a pixel to the canvas
frame_count = 0
# image (skip first iteration)
vga_output ="RGB", (width, height), (0, 0, 0))
for line in lines:
if frame_count >= max_frames and max_frames != -1:
if 'U' in line:
print("Warning: Undefined values")
time, hsync, vsync, r, g, b = parse_line(line)
time_last_pixel += time - time_last_line
# We're on the back porch if corresponding sync signal had a rising edge.
ON_HORIZ_BP = last_hsync == 0 and hsync == 1
ON_VERT_BP = last_vsync == 0 and vsync == 1
h_counter = 0
# Move to the next row, if past back porch
if back_porch_y_count >= vbp:
v_counter += 1
# Increment this so we know how far we are
# after the vsync pulse
back_porch_y_count += 1
# Set this to zero so we can count up to the actual
back_porch_x_count = 0
# Sync on sync pulse
time_last_pixel = 0
# Show the finished frame
# if vga_output:"VGA Output")
# then start a new frame
vga_output ="RGB", (width, height), (0, 0, 0))
assert frame_count < max_frames or max_frames == -1
print("[+] VSYNC: Decoding frame", frame_count)
frame_count += 1
h_counter = 0
v_counter = 0
# Set this to zero so we can count up to the actual
back_porch_y_count = 0
# Sync on sync pulse
time_last_pixel = 0
if vga_output and vsync:
# Add a tolerance so that the timing doesn't have to be bang on
tolerance = 5e-9
if time_last_pixel >= (PIX_CLK_T - tolerance) and time_last_pixel <= (
PIX_CLK_T + tolerance
# Increment this so we know how far we are
# After the hsync pulse
back_porch_x_count += 1
# If we are past the back porch
# Then we can start drawing on the canvas
if (
back_porch_x_count >= hbp
and back_porch_y_count >= vbp
# Add pixel
if h_counter < width and v_counter < height:
(h_counter, v_counter), (r, g, b)
# Move to the next pixel, if past back porch
if back_porch_x_count >= hbp:
h_counter += 1
# Reset time since we dealt with it
time_last_pixel = 0
last_hsync = hsync
last_vsync = vsync
time_last_line = time
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser("VGA Simulator", "Draws images from a corresponding HDL simulation file.")
parser.add_argument("filename", help="Output file from your testbench", type=str)
parser.add_argument("width", help="Screen width in pixels", type=int)
parser.add_argument("height", help="Screen height in pixels", type=int)
parser.add_argument("px_clk", help="Pixel clock frequency in MHz", type=float)
parser.add_argument("hbp", help="Length of horizontal back porch in pixels", type=int)
parser.add_argument("vbp", help="Length of vertical back porch in pixels", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--max-frames", help="Maximum number of frames to draw. Default: Draw all frames", type=int, required=False, default=-1)
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
render_vga(lines, args.width, args.height, args.px_clk, args.hbp, args.vbp, args.max_frames)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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