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Created August 4, 2023 12:39
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Fuzz testing is a useful technique to detect bugs in unexpected input that may cause errors when processing.

This document aggregates previous notes. While it's not intended to be an exhaustive set of instructions for all cases, it documents what can and has been done with the fuzzing harnesses so far.

Brief notes on platform setup

AFL setup

AFL provides afl-system-config, this is the short of it. Some options more strictly required.

  • AFL-specific: Fuzzer uses coredumps directly to detect crashes, provide these: sudo sysctl kernel.core_pattern=core
    • sudo sysctl kernel.core_uses_pid=0
  • Generally applicable: Performance improvements, such as changing the CPU governor:
    • If tlp is used, sudo tlp ac will work.
  • Miscellaneous performance optimisation: sudo sysctl kernel.sched_child_runs_first=1

libFuzzer setup

  • libFuzzer-specific: Fuzzer's sanitisers attempt ptrace attach, permit this: sudo sysctl kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=0
  • Generally applicable: Performance improvements, such as changing the CPU governor:
    • If tlp is used, sudo tlp ac will work

Seed corpus

  • For "runtime/dpe" and "x509", a seed corpus has been generated from the defaults/tests in ../common_corpus/
  • AFL requires a corpus, libFuzzer does not, it's optional. To generate for "image/verify/afl/", I've been running:
    • for x in $(seq 001 016); do cargo run -j16 --manifest-path=builder/Cargo.toml --release --bin image -- --rom elf2rom_built.rom --fw caliptra-builder_built_fw.bundle; mv caliptra-builder_built_fw.bundle image/verify/afl/corpus/${x}; rm elf2rom_built.rom; cargo clean; done

Corpus minimisation

For libFuzzer, run fuzzing with [new_corpus old_corpus] and the -merge=1 parameter



Ensure you are in a fuzzing directory!

  • Cleanup: Review the output of git clean -n -d -x
    • Then git clean -f -d -x
    • Make directories as required: mkdir -p corpus/fuzz_target artifacts/fuzz_target_{1,updatereset} is general enough


AFL fuzzing

Status: ~/.local/share/ artifacts/fuzz_target_1

Only one corpus can be specified, so if a ../common_corpus/ is available for the target, first cp ../common_corpus/* corpus/

Initialise base options:

export CARGO_AFL_BUILD_STANDARD="cargo +nightly-2023-04-15 afl build" && \
export CARGO_AFL_RUN_A_STANDARD="cargo +nightly-2023-04-15 afl fuzz -i corpus -o artifacts/fuzz_target_1 -G [target-specific] -p fast -L 1 -l 2ATR"
  • -G:
    • image/verify/: 23692 seems stable now
    • runtime/dpe/dpe/: 64 seems okay
  • -L: Apparently the acceptable default

Workers (TODO: Further parallelisation):

  • Standard:
cp target/debug/fuzz_target_1 target/debug/fuzz_target_1_standard; \
$CARGO_AFL_RUN_A_STANDARD -M node01 target/debug/fuzz_target_1_standard
  • CmpLog:
cp target/debug/fuzz_target_1 target/debug/fuzz_target_1_cmplog; \
$CARGO_AFL_RUN_A_STANDARD -c target/debug/fuzz_target_1_cmplog -S node02 target/debug/fuzz_target_1_standard

Coverage: Also afl-plot?

  • ~/.local/share/ -C -i artifacts/fuzz_target_1/ -o coverage -- target/debug/fuzz_target_1_standard

libFuzzer fuzzing

Run: cargo +nightly-2023-04-15 fuzz run fuzz_target_1 [corpuses] -- -max_len=[target-specific] -jobs=8

  • Optionally, one sanitiser may be specified: Prepend one of -s [address|leak|memory] - "thread" is presumed irrelevant.
  • corpuses for runtime/dpe/dpe/: Specify both corpus/fuzz_target_1 ../common_corpus/
  • -max_len:
    • image/verify/: 23692 seems stable now
    • runtime/dpe/dpe/: 64 seems okay

Coverage: cargo +nightly-2023-04-15 fuzz coverage fuzz_target_1 [corpuses] -- -max_len=[target-specific]

  • Same arguments as before. Note that run -> coverage, and -jobs=8. It seems that might race?

Visualisation: ~/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2023-04-15-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/llvm-cov show target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/coverage/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/fuzz_target_1 --format=html -instr-profile=coverage/fuzz_target_1/coverage.profdata > index.html

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