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Last active July 14, 2017 15:06
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const TeamspeakQuery = require('teamspeak-query')
, query = new TeamspeakQuery('', 10011)
, Steam = require("steam-webapi")
, console = require("better-console")
, jsonfile = require("jsonfile")
, SQ_PASSWD = "oh boy this sure is a secret password"
let games = {}, clients = {}, gamegroups = {}
try {
games = jsonfile.readFileSync("games.json")
clients = jsonfile.readFileSync("clients.json")
gamegroups = jsonfile.readFileSync("gamegroups.json")
} catch (ex) {
console.warn("No files. Will make new ones.")
setInterval(() => {
jsonfile.writeFileSync("games.json", games)
jsonfile.writeFileSync("clients.json", clients)
jsonfile.writeFileSync("gamegroups.json", gamegroups)
}, 30000)
// register API key
Steam.key = "oh wow look a totally valid api key"
// hello steam!
Steam.ready(function(err) {
if (err) {
console.warn("Failed to connect to Steam!")
const steam = new Steam();"We've logged into steam!")
// connect to the teamspeak server
query.send('login', 'serveradmin', SQ_PASSWD)
.then(() => query.send('use', 1))
.then(() => query.send('servernotifyregister', { 'event': 'server' }))
.then(() => query.send("servernotifyregister", { "event": "textprivate" }))
.then(() => query.send("clientupdate", {"client_nickname": "TeamSteam"}))
.then(() =>"We've logged into our local Teamspeak server!"))
.catch(err => console.error('An error occured:', err))
function replaceAll (current, replacement, target) {
return target.split(current).join(replacement)
function awaitSteamInput (client) {
function storeClientSteamID (steamid) {
// TODO: this is an ugly way to verify an id but whatever who cares
"steamids": steamid,
}, function (error, data) {
if (error) {
query.send("sendtextmessage", {
targetmode: TARGET_CLIENT,
target: client.clid,
msg: `WTF? Can't check bans. Steam is probably fucked.`
throw error
if (data.players.length) {
console.log("verified ID!")
query.send("sendtextmessage", {
targetmode: TARGET_CLIENT,
target: client.clid,
msg: `Done. Your Steam account is now linked.`
client.steamid = steamid
} else {
query.send("sendtextmessage", {
targetmode: TARGET_CLIENT,
target: client.clid,
msg: `Invalid client ID. Please try again...`
console.log("awaiting steam input message!")
query.once("textmessage", (data) => {"I got a response!")
query.send("sendtextmessage", {
targetmode: TARGET_CLIENT,
target: client.clid,
msg: `Please wait...`
// this url parsing logic is kind of shit, but works, so who cares
let msg = data
.replace("[/url]", "")
.replace("[url]", "")
// remove last / from urls
if (msg.lastIndexOf("/") === msg.length - 1) {
msg = msg.substr(0, msg.length - 1)
if (msg.indexOf("://") > -1) {
const id = msg
.replace("", "")
.replace("", "")"given id", id)
} else {
const nick = msg
.replace("", "")
.replace("", "")"given nick", nick)
// okay now lets ask steam if thats valid
console.log("resolveVanityURL", nick)
"vanityurl": nick
}, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
query.send("sendtextmessage", {
targetmode: TARGET_CLIENT,
target: client.clid,
msg: `WTF? Can't get vanityurl. Steam is probably fucked.`
throw err;
// Not found handler
if (data.success === 42) {
query.send("sendtextmessage", {
targetmode: TARGET_CLIENT,
target: client.clid,
msg: "I couldn't find your steam profile. Try again..."
}).then(() => awaitSteamInput(client))
} else if (data.success === 1 && data.steamid) {
function getGroupForGame (name, callback) {
// ts3 groups have a 30 character limit
const gameName = name.substr(0, 30)
if (gamegroups[gameName]) {
console.log("Returning game group from cache", gameName)
callback(null, gamegroups[gameName])
} else {
query.send("servergrouplist", {}).then((sgl) => {
let found, index) => {
if (name === gameName) {
found = sgl.sgid[index]
if (found) {
gamegroups[gameName] = found
callback(null, found)
} else {
console.log("group doesnt exist creating new group")
query.send("servergroupadd", {
"name": gameName
}).then((data) => {
// show after name!
query.send("servergroupaddperm", {
sgid: data.sgid,
permsid: "i_group_show_name_in_tree",
permvalue: 2,
permnegated: 0,
permskip: 0,
// fix perms
query.send("servergroupaddperm", {
sgid: data.sgid,
permsid: "i_group_needed_modify_power", permvalue: 50, permnegated: 0, permskip: 0,
gamegroups[gameName] = data.sgid
callback(null, data.sgid)
// on client connect
query.on('cliententerview', data => {
const uid = data.client_unique_identifier
if (!clients[uid]) {
console.log("Creating new data for", data.client_unique_identifier)
clients[uid] = {
"nick": data.client_nickname
const client = clients[uid]
// update information
client.clid = data.clid
client.nick = data.client_nickname
query.send("clientgetdbidfromuid", {
cluid: uid,
}).then((data) => {
client.dbid = data.cldbid
if (!client.steamid) {
query.send("sendtextmessage", {
targetmode: TARGET_CLIENT,
target: client.clid,
msg: `Hey ${client.nick}! To show everyone what game you're currently playing while you're on the Teamspeak server; please reply with your Steam ID or a link to your steam profile.
This won't work if your Steam account is private, and it won't access any information which isn't publically accessible.`
}).then(() => {
console.log("sent the message")
console.log(client.nick, "connected!")
// every few seconds
// TODO: refactor?
setInterval(() => {
const steamids = []
, clientKeys = Object.keys(clients)
clientKeys.forEach((clientID) => {
const client = clients[clientID]
console.log("client", client)
if (!client.steamid) {
// the client has no steam id
"steamids": client.steamid,
}, (error, summaries) => {
const summary = summaries.players[0]
, name = summary.gameextrainfo
// console.warn("summary", summary)
if (client.lastgame === name) {
// we're still playing the same game
console.log("last game is not current game! removing game groups...")
// if we're not playing the game we think we're playing...
let queriesFinished = 0
const nQueries = Object.keys(gamegroups).length
delete client.lastgame
function allDone () {
console.log("all pending server queries are finished...")
// if we're playing a new game
if (!name) {
console.log("we're playing the same game")
console.log("hey we're playing a new game!")
// save this game
client.lastgame = name
console.log("game name", name)
getGroupForGame(name, (err, groupid) => {
if (err) throw err
console.log("groupid", groupid)
query.send("servergroupaddclient", {
cldbid: client.dbid,
sgid: groupid
}).catch(err => console.error('An error occured at group add:', err))
if (nQueries === 0) {
Object.keys(gamegroups).forEach((key) => {
const gid = gamegroups[key]
query.send("servergroupdelclient", {
cldbid: client.dbid,
sgid: gid
.catch(err => console.log('An error occured at group del:', err))
.then(() => {
queriesFinished += 1
if (queriesFinished !== nQueries) {
// keep waiting
}, 5000)
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