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Created July 28, 2014 16:17
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def forCaseClass[A <: Product : c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[SerClass[A]] = {
import c.universe._
val tpe = weakTypeOf[A]
val sym = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
val tpeStr = tpe.toString
if (!sym.isCaseClass) {
c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Cannot create SerClass for non-case class")
return c.Expr[SerClass[A]](q"null")
val schemaName = {
if (tpeStr.contains("[")) {
} else {
val accessors = (tpe.declarations collect {
case acc: MethodSymbol if acc.isCaseAccessor => acc
val serClasses = for {
(accessor, idx) <- accessors.zipWithIndex
} yield {
val serClassName = c.universe.newTermName("serClass" + idx)
val tpeN = c.universe.newTypeName(accessor.typeSignature.toString.drop(3))
//Using parse here is really dirty, however I can't get it to work with quasiquotes
//Generic parameter names will be treated as concrete, unless c.universe.newTypeName(...) is used
//However that will cause problems if that is called on something like Option[Int] It doesn't
//see to be able to make a typeName properly when the type has [, ] in it. Which is probably
c.parse(s"val $serClassName = implicitly[cgta.serland.SerClass[$tpeN]]")
val serWriteStmts = for {
(accessor, idx) <- accessors.zipWithIndex
} yield {
val fieldName =
val fieldNameString = fieldName.toString
val fieldNameTerm = c.universe.newTermName(fieldNameString)
val serWritableName = c.universe.newTermName("serClass" + idx)
val tpeN = accessor.typeSignature
try {
out.writeFieldBegin($fieldNameString, $idx)
$serWritableName.write(a.$fieldNameTerm, out)
} catch {
case e : Throwable => cgta.serland.WRITE_ERROR("at Field[" + $fieldNameString + "]", e)
val serReadStmts = for {
(accessor, idx) <- accessors.zipWithIndex
} yield {
val fieldName =
val fieldNameString = fieldName.toString
val serReadableName = c.universe.newTermName("serClass" + idx)
val tmpName = c.universe.newTermName("tmp" + idx)
val $tmpName = try {
in.readFieldBegin($fieldNameString, $idx)
val t = $
} catch {
case e : Throwable => cgta.serland.READ_ERROR("at Field[" + $fieldNameString + "]", e)
val tmps = for {
(accessor, idx) <- accessors.zipWithIndex.toList
} yield {
val tmpName = c.universe.newTermName("tmp" + idx)
val serGen = {
val fqs = for {
(accessor, idx) <- accessors.zipWithIndex
} yield {
s"tmp$idx <- serClass$idx.gen"
val fqsStr = fqs.mkString("", ";", "")
val tStr = tpe.toString
val gensStr = tmps.mkString("", ",", "")
val code = s"for($fqsStr) yield {new $tStr($gensStr)}"
val fieldSchemas = {
for {
(accessor, idx) <- accessors.zipWithIndex.toList
} yield {
val fieldName =
val fieldNameString = fieldName.toString
val serReadableName = c.universe.newTermName("serClass" + idx)
q"XField($fieldNameString, $idx, $serReadableName.schema.schemaRef)"
val result = q"""
new cgta.serland.SerClass[$tpe] {
override def schema : cgta.serland.SerSchema = {
import cgta.serland.SerSchemas.{XStruct, XField}
XStruct($schemaName, Vector(..$fieldSchemas))
override def read(in: cgta.serland.SerInput) : $tpe = {
try {
new $tpe(..$tmps)
} catch {
case e : Throwable => cgta.serland.READ_ERROR("at SerCaseClass[" + $tpeStr + "]", e)
override def write(a: $tpe, out: cgta.serland.SerOutput) {
try {
} catch {
case e : Throwable => cgta.serland.WRITE_ERROR("at SerCaseClass[" + $tpeStr + "]", e)
override def gen : org.scalacheck.Gen[$tpe] = $serGen
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