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Last active July 29, 2019 16:16
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hot garbage with iterator-functions
def caller(cb):
while True:
yield cb()
except StopIteration:
sentinel = object()
def interleaving(*iterfuncs):
def iterfunc(iterator):
outbuffers = [[[]] for _ in iterfuncs]
inbuffers = [[] for _ in iterfuncs]
done = 0
def cb(outb, inb):
def callback():
nonlocal done
if not inb:
if done:
raise StopIteration
item = next(iterator)
except StopIteration:
done = 1
for b in inbuffers:
return inb.pop(0)
return callback
iters = [f(caller(cb(outb, inb)))
for outb, inb, f in zip(outbuffers, inbuffers, iterfuncs)]
while done < 2:
if done:
done += 1
for b, it in zip(outbuffers, iters):
if b and b[0] is None: # this iter is exhausted
while len(b) < 2:
elem = next(it)
except StopIteration:
yield from b.pop(0)
return iterfunc
def mapping(f):
def iterfunc(iterator):
for i in iterator:
yield f(i)
return iterfunc
def filtering(pred):
def iterfunc(iterator):
for i in iterator:
if pred(i):
yield i
return iterfunc
def main():
expected = [0, 0, -1, -2, 2, -3, -4, 4, -5, -6, 6, -7, -8, 8, -9]
actual = list(interleaving(
mapping(lambda x: -x),
filtering(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
if actual == expected:
print("not ok: %s" % actual)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import itertools
def calling(cb):
"""Iterfunc which returns its input, but calling callback after every item.
In particular, the returned iterator calls cb() after it has been asked for
a next element, but before returning it.
def iterfunc(iterator):
for item in iterator:
yield item
return iterfunc
def coalescing(iterfunc):
"""Modifies an iterfunc to group elements output "because of" an input.
In particular, given an iterfunc which takes some input, and given each
item of the input, returns zero or more items of output,
coalescing(iterfunc) returns the same items of output, but grouped by input
item, such that its output is the same length as the input. For example:
coalescing(mapping(f))(iterator) == [[f(x)] for x in iterator]
coalescing(filtering(pred))(iterator) == [
[x] if pred(x) else [] for x in iterator]
def coalesced(iterator):
buf = [[]]
def cb():
for item in iterfunc(calling(cb)(iterator)):
while len(buf) > 1:
yield buf.pop(0)
yield from buf
return coalesced
def interleaving(*iterfuncs):
"""Calls several iterfuncs alternately.
Given several iterfuncs, interleaving returns an iterfunc which, given an
iterator, returns an iterator which yields:
- the outputs of the first iterfunc based on the first input
- the outputs of the second iterfunc based on the first input
- etc.
- the same, repeated for the second input
- etc.
n = len(iterfuncs)
def interleaved(iterator):
wrapped_iters = [
for f, itercopy in zip(
iterfuncs, itertools.tee(iterator, n))]
while wrapped_iters:
for i, it in enumerate(wrapped_iters):
yield from next(it)
except StopIteration:
wrapped_iters[i] = None
wrapped_iters = list(filter(None, wrapped_iters))
return interleaved
def mapping(f):
def iterfunc(iterator):
for i in iterator:
yield f(i)
return iterfunc
def filtering(pred):
def iterfunc(iterator):
for i in iterator:
if pred(i):
yield i
return iterfunc
def main():
expected = [0, 0, -1, -2, 2, -3, -4, 4, -5, -6, 6, -7, -8, 8, -9]
actual = list(interleaving(
mapping(lambda x: -x),
filtering(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
if actual == expected:
print("not ok: %s" % actual)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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