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Last active April 27, 2017 18:52
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Travis CI Notifier - run from console on a build page and you'll see a notification when it's done
// Straight from MDN
function notifyMe(s) {
// Let's check if the browser supports notifications
if (!("Notification" in window)) {
alert("This browser does not support desktop notification");
// Let's check whether notification permissions have already been granted
else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
// If it's okay let's create a notification
var notification = new Notification(s);
// Otherwise, we need to ask the user for permission
else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
// If the user accepts, let's create a notification
if (permission === "granted") {
var notification = new Notification(s);
// At last, if the user has denied notifications, and you
// want to be respectful there is no need to bother them any more.
function checkit() {
var classes = document.getElementsByClassName('build-status')[0].className;
console.log('classes: ' + classes);
if (!classes.match('started')) {
notifyMe("Travis CI build finished");
} else {
setTimeout(checkit, 3000);
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