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Last active December 21, 2015 13:08
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Save benjaminrau/6310299 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FCE to create a linklist with possibilty to choose how target is defined (internal by Page, external by url and filereferences with download) Also Solution for a downloadAction to serve files for download through a controllerAction
{namespace flux=Tx_Flux_ViewHelpers}
{namespace v=Tx_Vhs_ViewHelpers}
{namespace w=Tx_Fluidwidget_ViewHelpers}
<f:layout name="Content"/>
<f:section name="Configuration">
<flux:flexform id="appendixes" label="Appendixes" wizardTab="PRISMA">
<flux:flexform.section name="appendixes" label="Anhänge / Verweise">
<flux:flexform.object name="appendix" label="Anhang / Verweis">
< name="linkType" label="Verweistyp" items="{page:'Interner Verweis',url:'Externer Verweis beginnend mit http://',filereference:'Dateianhang'}"></>
< name="linkIcon" label="Link Icon" items="{0:'kein Icon',calendar:'Kalender',bubble:'Sprechblase'}"></>
<flux:flexform.field.input name="linkTitle" label="Link Titel"/>
<flux:flexform.field.file name="filereference" label="Dateianhang" size="1" minItems="0" maxItems="1" displayCond="<![CDATA[FIELD:linkType:=:filereference]]>"/>
<flux:flexform.field.input name="page" label="Interner Verweis" displayCond="<![CDATA[FIELD:linkType:=:page]]>">
< label="Linkziel wählen" activeTab="pages" />
<flux:flexform.field.input name="url" label="Externer Verweis" displayCond="<![CDATA[FIELD:linkType:=:url]]>"/>
<flux:flexform.field.custom name="warning" displayCond="<![CDATA[FIELD:linkType:REQ:FALSE]]>">
<strong style="color: red;">Please save the record configure link target.</strong>
<f:section name="Preview">
<f:for each="{appendixes}" as="single">
<f:section name="Resources">
<f:section name="Appendix">
<v:switch value="{single.appendix.linkType}">
<v:case case="page" break="TRUE">
<a href="{}" title="{single.appendix.linkTitle}">{single.appendix.linkIcon->v:format.prepend(add:'<i class="icon-prisma-')->v:format.append(add:'"></i> ')->f:if(condition:single.appendix.linkIcon)} <strong>{single.appendix.linkTitle}</strong></a>
<v:case case="url" break="TRUE">
<a href="{single.appendix.url}" title="{single.appendix.linkTitle}">{single.appendix.linkIcon->v:format.prepend(add:'<i class="icon-prisma-')->v:format.append(add:'"></i> ')->f:if(condition:single.appendix.linkIcon)} <strong>{single.appendix.linkTitle}</strong></a>
<v:case case="filereference" break="TRUE">
<f:link.action controller="Task" pluginName="Task" action="download" extensionName="prisma" arguments="{target:single.appendix.filereference,mode:'passthrough'}">{single.appendix.linkIcon->v:format.prepend(add:'<i class="icon-prisma-')->v:format.append(add:'"></i> ')->f:if(condition:single.appendix.linkIcon)} <strong>{single.appendix.linkTitle}</strong></f:link.action>
<f:section name="Main">
<div class="appendixes">
<f:if condition="{appendixes->f:count()}>1">
<ul class="unstyled">
<f:for each="{appendixes}" as="single">
<f:render section="Appendix" arguments="{single:single}" />
<f:for each="{appendixes}" as="single">
<f:render section="Appendix" arguments="{single:single}" />
# make TaskController available
lib.prismatasks = USER
lib.prismatasks {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
pluginName = Task
extensionName = Prisma
controller = Task
vendorName = Codearts
settings =< plugin.tx_prisma.settings
persistence =< plugin.tx_prisma.persistence
view =< plugin.tx_prisma.view
page.9999999 = COA
page.9999999 {
10 =< lib.prismatasks
namespace Codearts\Prisma\Controller;
* Copyright notice
* (c) 2013 Benjamin Rau <>, Interwall
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* @package prisma
* @license GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
class TaskController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController {
public function defaultAction() {
* downloadAction
* @param string $target
* @param string $mode
* @return string
public function downloadAction($target=NULL, $mode='basic') {
if ($mode != 'passthrough') {
header('Location: ' . $target);
} else {
$absoluteTargetPath = \t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($target);
if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE')) {
header('Pragma: public');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Content-type: application-download');
header('Content-length: ' . filesize($absoluteTargetPath));
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
} else {
header('Content-type: ' . mime_content_type($absoluteTargetPath));
$handle = fopen($absoluteTargetPath, 'rb');
$chunkSize = 1048576;
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($absoluteTargetPath) . '"');
while (FALSE === feof($handle)) {
echo fread($handle, $chunkSize);
Copy link

SventB commented Oct 29, 2015

I don't think that


is working, because the field "linkType" is in a flux:flexform.object, it's not on the first level. That's why it should be something like


(but this is also not working)

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