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Last active May 17, 2023 02:38
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Hydrogen Proxy Route in Remix
const config = {
cacheControl: 'public, max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=86400', // Set to the amount of time you want to cache the page, in seconds
removeNoIndex: true, // Set to false if you want to respect robots noindex tags
updateCanonical: true, // Set to false if you want to respect canonical meta tags
ignoreRedirects: true, // Set to false if you aren't redirecting to Hydrogen in your theme
export async function loader({request, context}) {
const {
shop: {
primaryDomain: {url},
} = await context.storefront.query(
query {
shop {
primaryDomain {
cacheControl: config.cacheControl,
const {origin, pathname, search} = new URL(request.url);
const customHeaders = new Headers({
'X-Shopify-Client-IP': request.headers.get('X-Shopify-Client-IP') || '',
request.headers.get('X-Shopify-Client-IP-Sig') || '',
'User-Agent': 'Hydrogen',
const response = await fetch(url + pathname + search, {
headers: customHeaders,
const data = await response.text();
const processedData = data
(match) => {
if (match.startsWith('<meta') && config.removeNoIndex) return '';
if (match.startsWith('<link') && config.updateCanonical)
return match.replace(url, origin);
if (match.startsWith('"monorailRegion"'))
return '"monorailRegion":"global"';
if (match.startsWith('<script') && config.ignoreRedirects)
return match.replace(/window\.location\.replace\([^)]*\);?/g, '');
return match;
.replace(new RegExp(url, 'g'), origin);
const status = /<title>(.|\n)*404 Not Found(.|\n)*<\/title>/i.test(data)
? 404
: response.status;
const headers = new Headers(response.headers);
headers.set('content-type', 'text/html');
headers.set('Cache-Control', config.cacheControl);
return new Response(processedData, {status, headers});
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