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Last active August 9, 2020 17:50
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A short bash script that slices video into 20 second clips
# Usage: ./ Video-to-Slice.mp4
# Get length
length=$(ffmpeg -i $fname 2>&1 | grep "Duration"| cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed s/,// | sed 's@\..*@@g' | awk '{ split($1, A, ":"); split(A[3], B, "."); print 3600*A[1] + 60*A[2] + B[1] }')
let fcount=length/20
echo "${fname} is ${length}s long. About to create ${fcount} files..."
# Loop through each file
while [ $counter -le $fcount ]
let newstart=counter*20
echo "Creating ${newfname} starting at ${newstart}"
ffmpeg -i $fname -ss $newstart -t 20 $newfname
## Crop the video as well
# ffmpeg -i $fname -filter:v "crop=in_h*9/16:in_h" -ss $newstart -t 20 $newfname
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