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Last active May 9, 2024 09:36
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PostGraphile V5 Beta 22 Release Notes

Release Notes 2024-05-09

This is a huge release, folks! Our last release was 12th Feb, so this covers the 3 month period since then. I finally caught up enough to attack some of the bigger issues in Grafast (specifically the "early exit" and "global dependencies" issues discussed at the first Grafast WG); this has required some breaking changes to the API but as always I've kept these to an absolute minimum; migration steps are outlined below.

Crowd-funded open source software

We ask all individuals and businesses that use our software to support its ongoing maintenance and development via sponsorship. Sponsorship comes with many perks, including full release notes like these for each release of the Crystal software. (Changelogs are openly available in the source repository, but release notes are a maintainer editorial that gathers together the main things you need to know from the changelogs, providing highlights, a narrative, and helping to reduce your workload.)

Since this release is so significant and includes breaking changes, we have decided to make its release notes public. Please consider sponsoring us to help support our open source endeavors, and of course to get access to release notes like these for all Crystal releases via the sponsors-only 🔮 channel on our Discord - we have over 50 previous releases documented in there already!

Breaking changes

A quick migration guide to how to deal with the breaking changes in this release. Note that if you don't write your own plan resolvers, and don't write your own step classes, then you can skip to the next section.

Plan resolvers

If you use connection() in a plan resolver, the signature has changed; the second and third arguments now should be detailed via an options object:

-return connection($list, nodePlan, cursorPlan);
+return connection($list, { nodePlan, cursorPlan });

If you only pass the first argument then no action is necessary.

Step classes

If you have implemented your own step classes, you need to make the following changes:

ExecutableStep.execute signature has changed

The signature of ExecutableStep.execute has changed, we now pass a "details object" rather than multiple arguments, and the values arg is now a list of ExecutionValues (see below) rather than a list of lists as before. ExecutionValues come in two varieties: batch and unary, where a unary value only ever represents a single value no matter how deep in the plan you are.

If you don't care about the details and performance, this change to each of your execute methods will get you up and running again:

- async execute(count: number, values: any[][], extra: ExecutionExtra) {
+ async execute({ count, values: newValues, extra }: ExecutionDetails) {
+   const values = =>
+     dep.isBatch ? dep.entries : new Array(count).fill(dep.value)
+   );

For more details, see:

this.addDependency(step, true) no longer supported

Instead, use this.addDependency({ step, skipDeduplication: true }) (this is equivalent to previous behavior).

Note: this.addDependency(step) is unaffected.

New indexMap helper

You don't have to make this change, but it will make your life easier! Where previously your execute function built an array via a for loop:

async execute(count, values) {
  const [allA, allB] = values;
  const stuff = await doTheThing(allA, allB);

  const results = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    const a =;

    const b =;
    results.push(stuff.getResultFor(a, b));
  return results;

You can now instead use the indexMap helper:

async execute({ indexMap, values }) {
  const [allA, allB] = values;
  const stuff = await doTheThing(allA, allB);

  return indexMap(i => {
    const a =;
    const b =;
    return stuff.getResultFor(a, b);

Saves you a couple lines, and helps ensure that the result at a given index is related to the input at the given index.

Returning errors no longer works

You must throw an error, return a rejected promise, or you can return flagError(new Error("...")). Just returning an error will result in the error being treated as a value (not a thrown error).

 // Turns even indexes into errors
 execute({ count }) {
   return indexMap(i => {
     if (i % 2 === 1) {
       return i;
     } else {
-      return new Error("No even numbers!");
+      return flagError(new Error("No even numbers!"));

Notable changes

Three months of work, the Grafast changes, albeit the most significant in terms of thinking, planning, writing, and re-rewriting, were not the only things we changed! Many of these changes overlap multiple projects, but to roughly break them down:


  • Unary steps introduced to solve the "global dependencies" problem.
  • Complete overhaul of Grafast's internals relating to step results, error handling, null handling, output plans, and essentially the whole of execution to address the "early exit" problem.
  • inhibitOnNull(), assertNotNull() and trap() steps added (see "Nitty gritty")
  • loadOne() and loadMany() can leverage the new unary dependencies to make life easier if you want to accept an input argument (or arguments) into a loadOne/loadMany call (e.g. to add a filter or limit to all queries) - no longer a need to group by values in this case. To use this, add another step (a unary step) as the second argument to the function. If you need to load multiple, use list() or object() to turn them into a single unary.
  • connection() step can now have edgeDataPlan specified as part of the configuration object, enabling edges to represent data not just about the node itself but about its relationship to the connection
  • makeGrafastSchema completely reworked
    • Fixes bugs with enums
    • Enables Interface Object inputPlan
  • execute() and subscribe() call signatures now deprecate additional arguments, preferring them to be merged into the original arguments.
  • envelop peerDependency upgraded to V5; drops support for Node versions we don't support anyway.


  • Grafserv internals overhauled.
  • Now compatible with Envelop via GrafservEnvelopPreset.
  • Possible to add validation rules (e.g. @graphile/depth-limit) to Grafserv (see example at bottom).
  • Fixes the bug where Grafserv would sometimes keep Node alive for 15 seconds after it shut down (particularly in tests) due to not correctly releasing a timeout.

Graphile Export

  • Massive Graphile Export overhaul.
  • Properties on functions are now automatically exported (e.g. fn.isSyncAndSafe = true).
  • Input object inputPlan is now exported in typeDefs mode.
  • Fixes export of scalars in typeDefs mode.
  • Expose exportValueAsString so that values (e.g. the registry) can be exported, not just schemas.
  • Automatic inference of enableDeferStream via directive detection.


  • Better handling of Relay-style Node IDs, particularly when the expected type is known (thanks to Grafast's inhibit features).
  • PostGraphile now runs integration tests against the exported schema; and we've thus fixed a huge number of issues related to schema exports.
  • More PgSelectSteps are able to inline themselves into their parents thanks to generic (rather than specific) checks against dependencies resulting in fewer queries to the database (and significant performance fixes in some cases).
  • PgSelectStep::clone() is no longer @internal; you can use it to build a PgSelectStep in aggregate mode via: pgResource.find().clone('aggregate').
  • Authorization check on PgResource (selectAuth()) is now able to call other steps, e.g. allows reading from context().
  • When using orderByAscDesc() in makeAddPgTableOrderByPlugin, nullable is now accepted as an option, and will default to true if nulls was set as an option. Fixes pagination over nullables with custom orders.
  • Fixes sending record types to/from the database, particularly when they have custom casting and to/fromPg implementations; this fixes a bug with certain computed column function arguments.
  • constant() now has .get(key) and .at(idx) methods.
  • New condition() step representing mathematical and logical comparisons (e.g. condition(">", $a, $b) represents "a > b")

Minor changes

  • ExecutableStep::canAddDependency($a) added to determine if adding $a as a dependency would be allowed or not.
  • No longer outputs non-async warning in production.
  • No longer warns about loadOne()/loadMany() callback being non-async.
  • GRAPHILE_ENV now supports test, and doesn't output warning in test mode.
  • te.debug helper added to help debug tamedevil expressions
  • pg-sql2 gains the ability to automatically cast certain values to SQL if they implement the SQLable interface (like .toString() but for SQL) - in particular this means you can use a PgSelect step directly in sql expressions rather than having to extract it's .alias property… So there's 6 characters you're saving each time: you're welcome.
  • DEBUG="grafast:OutputPlan:verbose" can be used to debug the output plan and buckets.
  • Inflector replacements no longer need to pass this explicitly via, arg1, arg2); they can now just call previous(arg1, arg2).
  • Better inflector typings.
  • pg-introspection now exports PgEntity.
  • Better detection of invalid presets/plugins, to try and reduce Benjie's ESM-related support burden.
  • Error messages output during planning now reflect list positions (e.g. if an error occurred whilst planning the list item rather than the field itself).
  • Some identifiers in the SQL are now more descriptive (i.e. not just t anymore!).
  • Doesn't run EXPLAIN on error when DEBUG="@dataplan/pg:PgExecutor:explain" is set.
  • You can now configure how many documents Grafserv will cache the parsing of via preset.grafserv.parseAndValidateCacheSize (default 500).


If you're interested in exactly what's changed and why, here's some explanations! (You may want to read over the "early exit" and "global dependencies" issues too, if you really want to geek out!)


Execution values

Grafast previously modeled step results as simple lists of values. When it came time to run the next step, it would look at the lists representing its dependencies, filter out the errors (reducing batch size) and then send them through to the step's execute() method. This had a number of issues:

  • Errors were always treated as "thrown" errors, they could never be treated as values (e.g. if you wanted to represent details about them in a mutation payload).
  • Nulls were always simple null values, you could never tell a step not to execute if it received null, instead each step had to decide what to do with nulls.
  • Joining these together: there was no way to reliably "ignore" an invalid Node ID. If you want to filter Posts by an Author ID, but the user feeds in a Product ID, the system would just treat the ID as if it were null. This meant that feeding in an invalid ID would be equivalent to asking for the posts with no author (anonymous posts), which is not the same thing. Another option would have been to throw an error, but really what we want is to return an empty list of posts without consulting the database. There was no way to do this.
  • Another issue was that every time we went through a layer boundary we'd have to "multiply up" values so that they matched the batch size, even if we knew that there was only one of certain values (e.g. input arguments, context() and derivatives, etc). This means that certain types of step would then have to group by the different values in this "multiplied up" list to see what unique values it contained, e.g. if you wanted to add a LIMIT to an SQL query based on an input argument, you'd have to group by all the limit values ultimately to determine that there was only one. It's inefficient and annoying.
  • When we didn't want to execute things any more because the polymorphism didn't line up, we'd use an error (POLY_SKIPPED) to represent this, because it was the only way of preventing more execution. Super ugly workaround!
  • Errors would all be wrapped in GrafastError to make detection faster, since instanceof is slow.

This latest release overhauls this entire system, and step results are now stored in a structure called an ExecutionValue. There are two forms of execution value: batch values, and unary values. Batch values contain an array of results, as before. Unary values are a solution to the "global dependencies" problem - they never get "multiplied up", and when a step adds a dependency on another step it may choose to require that it is a unary step (a step that would result in a unary value) via this.addUnaryDependency($step). This fixes our issue with LIMIT above since we can require there's exactly one value, and just write that into the SQL at execution time.

You can use the .at(idx) method on both batch and unary values to get the value at the specified index if the fact of whether they are unary or not is unimportant to you (for unary values, .at(idx) will always return the same value, no matter what the value of idx is).

In addition to their two forms, ExecutionValues now store flags (a bit map) that indicate special properties of the values. Mostly this is an internal feature that makes it faster for us to filter errors/polymorphism/etc since we can use bitwise operations rather than instanceof/property checks, but it can also be useful in user space. In particular it gives you the ability to "inhibit on null", and to "trap" inhibits and errors.

Inhibit on null: in the Author ID scenario outlined in the third bullet above, we don't want to run any SQL code if a Product ID is received instead of an Author ID, but we also don't want to throw an error. What we can do is to turn the Product ID null into an "inhibit null" so steps depending on it will automatically skip execution (effectively an "inhibit null" is a "super" null — it is null, and anything that depends on it automatically becomes null without executing). We can combine this with some logic to say to inhibit it only if the id itself is non-null; so $id = "Author:7" would be coerced as expected and we'd look for all posts by author 7, $id = null would be coerced as expected and we'd look for all anonymous posts (posts with a null author_id), and finally $id = "Product:12" would be coerced into an "inhibit null", preventing fetches of posts at all).

Trapping: when an inhibit or error occurs, you might want to handle it specially. In the case described above where an invalid ID "Product:12" is used, we probably don't want to return null for the posts, instead we probably want to return an empty array []. We can use trap() to do this, it lets us indicate the flags on values that we will accept, in this case we'd tell the system that we don't care if the value is inhibited, we'd like to receive it into our execute() method anyway (and then we decide what to do with it).

Internally, errors no longer need to be wrapped in GrafastError — the "error bit" being set in the flags is sufficient for us to know a value represents an error. This means that the value itself and whether it's treated as an error or not are disconnected: anything can be an error (throw "sandwich" would mark the string "sandwich" as an error) and, conversely, an instance of Error can be treated as a regular value if desired.

All in all the overhaul of this system, daunting as it was to pull off, has made Grafast significantly more powerful and able to express and handle more complex patterns. This is particularly good news for people using the PostGraphile Relay preset who want to filter by IDs or use them as inputs to database functions.

Documentation for all of this is on the TODO list, and will be arriving over the coming weeks. I didn't want to delay this release even longer just waiting for docs, especially because most people don't need to know these details (at least, not yet!)



To use Envelop with Grafserv, you can import the GrafservEnvelopPreset and then pass your getEnveloped function as part of your preset:

import { GrafservEnvelopPreset } from "grafserv/envelop";
import { envelop, useMaskedErrors } from "@envelop/core";

const getEnveloped = envelop({
  plugins: [useMaskedErrors()],

const preset = {
  extends: [GrafservEnvelopPreset],
  grafserv: {

Validation rules

If you want to load custom validation rules into Grafserv, you can do so with a plugin generator like this:

let counter = 0;
function addValidationRules(
  newValidationRules: ValidationRule | ValidationRule[],
): GraphileConfig.Plugin {
  return {
    name: `AddValidationRulesPlugin_${++counter}`,
    grafserv: {
      hooks: {
        init(info, event) {
          const { validationRules } = event;
          if (Array.isArray(newValidationRules)) {
          } else {

which you can call like this:

import { depthLimit } from "@graphile/depth-limit";

const preset: GraphileConfig.Preset = {
  plugins: [addValidationRules(depthLimit())],



What now?

Try it out via yarn add postgraphile@beta or equivalent, and provide feedback via GitHub Issues, or our Discord server.

Help out on some of the issues left to complete before V5.0.0 release — we're particularly keen to see improvements to the documentation, don't worry that you're not an expert yet, even just adding a small code sample in the right place can be hugely helpful to seed a documentation change (we always edit it before it goes out anyway!), and even as a PR it acts as a useful resource for other community members.

Please consider sponsoring us, so we can spend more time on this (and hopefully get V5 out sooner, and with better documentation and typing!):

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