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We plan to crowdfund development of a system that will empower everyone to perform
giving and microdonation as a part of any transaction.
Many open source projects do not have necessary support to fund the work on an ongoing basis.
We plan to use the funds raised to support the work of development and maintenance of
the giving feature for the first year of work, which will include work to promote adoption
and support through multiple wallets and decentralized protocols, including, but not limited to bitcoin.
On github, the users ABISprotocol and ktorn provide vision and direction on the project, and will
work with coders or developers who are interested in contributing. Bounties or rewards for work
may be released - to those who provide commits needed and requested for the project - via
multisignature account(s) shared by ABISprotocol and ktorn. Please contact ABISprotocol or ktorn
to inquire as to how you can help with one or more of the tasks shown below.
This crowdfunding effort will last for over a month and will accept donations of bitcoin, litecoin,
and dogecoin. Other decentralized cryptocurrencies may be accepted as part of the crowdfunding effort.
The link to this workplan (Microdonations using Cryptocurrencies) will be provided in a crowdfunding
platform to be chosen by ABISprotocol and ktorn.
All development efforts for this project will be carried out in a manner that will:
empower anyone to give to multiple parties as an aspect of any transaction,
as a feature that would be activated at each individual user's option for either specific
transactions, or every transaction, depending upon settings chosen by the user.
The election to use the giving feature, corresponding settings, and in fact every aspect
of the use of the giving feature will be voluntary, and will be designed to be initiated
by the user (and will be able to be initiated, changed, or terminated by the user at any time).
The crowdfunding aspect of the project will provide 50 BTC
(total value, including all cryptocurrency donations) to support and fund the following.
The breakdown of funds allocated for each item is:
1) development and circulation of a Process BIP (bitcoin improvement proposal)
2) testing and extensive review of at least four modified wallets, using bitcoin's testnet
3) an open source, free code base that will be able to be incorporated
into any bitcoin wallet to make the giving feature available everywhere,
involving a bounty (reward) for the following 3 language implementations:
C++, Java, and Python.
The bounty (reward) will be 3 BTC per language, thus a total of 9 BTC are allocated
for this item. The bounties (rewards) are not issued on a "first-to-the-finish" basis,
but rather are contingent upon agreement by ABISprotocol and ktorn that the implementation
accomplishes the task in a manner consistent with the spirit and intent of the project.
4) ongoing work on a fork of the MultiBit wallet, in which work has already started on
incorporation of the giving feature, and development of the giving feature into at least
three more wallets (such as Chromawallet, Darkwallet, Electrum, Hive, or KryptoKit).
12 BTC
5) public relations and communication to encourage individuals and
organizations to adopt the giving feature
6) additional funds to support ongoing work on, and maintenance of code
for the giving feature, and to work on the wide-scale incorporation of it in
multiple systems (year 1). Bounties will be established as needed
by ABISprotocol and ktorn to support completion of this task. If crowdfunding
exceeds the initial target amount, funds will provide more support (into year 2, or further).
7) development of a 'cascading revenue sharing protocol' (CRSP)
see Open Issue at
To donate bitcoin for this project, send to the following P2SH / multisignature address:
QR code to scan for this address is at:
To donate using litecoin: LiT2bDSWZdc4xQ68Z3cZohXDGgRQr8rSXC
QR code:
To donate using dogecoin: D8cRbFw1Fh9TYQCf4adNsXPC6BRLKFybWa
QR code:
To receive perks by donating to this project:
Please see the indiegogo campaign,
(This indiegogo campaign page is not yet published to final, and so cannot be seen at this time.)
(As of Jan. 25, 2014, the indiegogo campaign is anticipated to begin in 7 to 14 days' time.)
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