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Last active November 25, 2016 01:03
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Minecraft Pi Raspberry Pi. A tunnel building program for the avid Dwarf.
# Name: A tunnel building program for the avid Minecraft Pi dwarf.
# Purpose: Designed to build descending, ascending and straight tunnels in Minecraft Pi.
# This is written very simply for debugging/learning purposes.
# Most of this code is designed to handle user input.
# Eventually this will be integrated into a user interface with QT and pyQT.
# Version: Development
# Author: benjo charlie
# Created: 2016
# This is an octothorp # Spread the word.
# ChangeLog: Tested in Python3.4
# Catastrphic bugs removed.
# Error handling for non integer input for length integrated.
# More "Pythonic" work flow for user input
# Some minor PEP requirements.
# Import libraries and set up the globals
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
from random import randrange
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
x, y, z = mc.player.getPos()
mc.postToChat("Immeasurable halls, filled with an everlasting music of "
"water that tinkles into pools, as fair as Kheled-Zaram "
"in the starlight.")
# Get the data from the user:
def getinput(i):
# Python likes a Global declared in every DEF to be sure you know what you're playing with.
global tunnel
global compass
global length
global elevation
global deep
elevation = "Z"
while i:
if i == 1:
tunnel = input("What type of tunnel are we building, a Hallway or Steps? H, S >> ")
if tunnel in ("H", "S"):
if tunnel == "H":
i += 2
# Debug: print(tunneltype)
elif tunnel == "S":
i += 1
tunneltype = "Stairwell"
# Debug: print(tunneltype)
print("Usage ", i)
i = usage(1)
elif i == 2:
if tunnel == "S":
elevation = input("Do you want the stairs to go up or down? U,D >> ")
if elevation in ("U", "D"):
i += 2
# Debug: print("Elevation is ", elevation)
# Debug: print("var i = ", i)
i = usage(2)
# Debug: print("Usage ", i)
i += 2
# Debug: print("How did we get here?")
# Debug: print("Did we get here?")
elif i == 3:
if tunnel == "H":
elevation = input("Do you want a Glass Hallway or Lighted? G,L >> ")
if elevation in ("G", "L"):
i += 1
i = usage(3)
print("Usage ", i)
elif i == 4:
compass = input("What direction shall we dig? N,E,S or W? >> ")
if compass in ("N", "E", "S", "W"):
i += 1
if compass == "N":
direction = "Northerly"
elif compass == "E":
direction = "Easterly"
elif compass == "S":
direction = "Southerly"
elif compass == "W":
direction = "Westerly"
i = usage(4)
print("Usage ", i)
elif i == 5:
while True:
length = int(input("How deep/far do you want to dig? 1-256 >> "))
if length in (range(1, 257)):
i = usage(5)
# Debug: print("Except was passed")
# Debug: print("The try loop broke here.")
deep = length
i += 1
print(" *** Building a ", tunneltype, ", ", deep, " blocks deep in a ", direction, " direction. ***")
def usage(u):
if u == 1:
Usage: Tunnel type [H, S]
-H Hallway Build a hallway type tunnel (Uppercase only)
-S Steps Build a stairwell type tunnel (Uppercase only)
return 1
elif u == 2:
Usage: Up or Down [U, D]
-U Upward staircase Build a stairwell going up 45 degrees (Uppercase only)
-D Downward staircase Build a stairwell going down 45 degrees (Uppercase only)
return 2
elif u == 3:
Usage: Glass or Lighted [G, L]
-G Glass Walls Build a hallway with glass walls (Uppercase only)
-L Glowstone Walls Build a hallway with Glowstone (Uppercase only)
return 3
elif u == 4:
Usage: Direction [N, E, S, W]
-N North Build a tunnel in the northern direction (Uppercase only)
-E East Build a tunnel in the eastern direction (Uppercase only)
-S South Build a tunnel in the southern direction (Uppercase only)
-W West Build a tunnel in the western direction (Uppercase only)
return 4
elif u == 5:
Usage: Length [1-256]
-Integer input ranging 1-256
mc.postToChat("The Dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.")
return 5
print("Something went terribly wrong. We shouldn't be here!!!")
mc.postToChat("This new Gandalf is more grumpy than the old one.")
raise SystemExit
# Define 'drill' function
def drill(L, D, A):
# Debug: print("L = ", L)
# Debug: print("D = ", D)
# Debug: print("A = ", A)
# Set up the local variables.
# Blocks are assigned from bottom left to upper right.
# y1 is player level, y2 is up.
# Default to MELONS for debuging
x1, y1, z1 = mc.player.getPos()
x2, y2, z2 = x1, y1+2, z1
R, F = 0, 0
# xz1, xz2 : Set the step width (block breadth) to 5 blocks wide corresponding to direction.
# R, F : Set the roof and floor steps data value to correspond with the direction.
if D == "N":
x1, x2, R, F = x1-2, x1+2, 7, 2
elif D == "E":
z1, z2, R, F = z1-2, z1+2, 4, 1
elif D == "S":
x1, x2, R, F = x1+2, x1-2, 6, 3
elif D == "W":
z1, z2, R, F = z1+2, z1-2, 5, 0
# Set the tiles for step type construction and orientate to corresponding direction.
if A in ("U", "D"):
if A == "U":
if D == "N":
R, F = 6, 3
elif D == "E":
R, F = 5, 0
elif D == "S":
R, F = 7, 2
elif D == "W":
R, F = 4, 1
elif A == "D":
if D == "N":
R, F = 7, 2
elif D == "E":
R, F = 4, 1
elif D == "S":
R, F = 6, 3
elif D == "W":
R, F = 5, 0
#set to NETHER REACTOR CORE for debuging if things went terribly wrong.
if A in ("L", "G"):
R, F = 0, 0
if A == "L":
elif A == "G":
#set to CACTUS for debuging if things went terribly wrong.
# Build it
for n in range(1, L):
# xz1, xz2 : Set the step depth and starting point corresponding to direction
if D == "N":
z1, z2, = z1-1, z1-1
elif D == "E":
x1, x2, = x1+1, x1+1
elif D == "S":
z1, z2, = z1+1, z1+1
elif D == "W":
x1, x2, = x1-1, x1-1
# Build the Roof-Floor-Tunnel-Walls using one 5x5x1 block at a time
# Set the roof tiles. We do this first to stop that nasty sand falling in!
mc.setBlocks(x1, y2+1, z1, x2, y2+1, z2, roofBlock, R)
# Set the floor tiles.
mc.setBlocks(x1, y1-1, z1, x2, y1-1, z2, floorBlock, F)
# Dig between floor/roof tiles with a 3Wx3H block for each loop.
mc.setBlocks(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, 0)
# Build the walls... ooooh how bout that sweet Glowstone!
mc.setBlocks(x1, y1-1, z1, x1, y2+1, z1, wallBlock)
mc.setBlocks(x2, y1-1, z2, x2, y2+1, z2, wallBlock)
# Decrement/Increment the depth by 1 block and reset height for next loop
if A in ("U", "D"):
if A == "U":
y1 += 1
elif A == "D":
y1 -= 1
y2 = y1 + 2
# Random gimli quote generator
def gimli(n):
# Everyone should have a Random Gimli quote generator.
if n == 0:
mc.postToChat("I'm always last, and I don't like it.")
elif n == 1:
mc.postToChat("Faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens.")
elif n == 2:
mc.postToChat("They had no honor in life. They have none now in death.")
elif n == 3:
mc.postToChat("Whatever luck you live by... let's hope it lasts the night.")
elif n == 4:
mc.postToChat("It's true you don't see many dwarf women. And in fact, "
"they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they "
"are often mistaken for dwarf men.")
elif n == 5:
mc.postToChat("I cannot jump the distance, you'll have to toss me.")
elif n == 6:
mc.postToChat("And you know what this Dwarf says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul! I spit upon your grave!")
elif n == 7:
mc.postToChat("There is some good stonework here.")
elif n == 8:
mc.postToChat("You may do as you please in madness.")
mc.postToChat("I have but returned to take what is mine; for I am the last of my people.")
# Run the definitions
print("Call the drill function.")
drill(length, compass, elevation)
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