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Forked from etienne87/
Created April 29, 2018 14:38
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Training a Neural Network ATARI Pong agent with Policy Gradients from raw pixels
""" Trains an agent with (stochastic) Policy Gradients on Pong. Uses OpenAI Gym. """
import numpy as np
import cPickle as pickle
import gym
from chainer import cuda
import cupy as cp
import time, threading
be = cp
# hyperparameters
A = 3 # 2, 3 for no-ops
H = 200 # number of hidden layer neurons
update_freq = 10
batch_size = 1000 # every how many episodes to do a param update?
learning_rate = 1e-3
gamma = 0.99 # discount factor for reward
decay_rate = 0.99 # decay factor for RMSProp leaky sum of grad^2
resume = 0 # resume from previous checkpoint?
render = 0
device = 1
# model initialization
D = 80 * 80 # input dimensionality: 80x80 grid
with cp.cuda.Device(0):
if resume:
model = pickle.load(open('save.p', 'rb'))
model = {}
model['W1'] = np.random.randn(D,H) / np.sqrt(D) # "Xavier" initialization
model['W2'] = np.random.randn(H,A) / np.sqrt(H)
grad_buffer = { k : np.zeros_like(v) for k,v in model.iteritems() } # update buffers that add up gradients over a batch
rmsprop_cache = { k : np.zeros_like(v) for k,v in model.iteritems() } # rmsprop memory
def sigmoid(x):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x)) # sigmoid "squashing" function to interval [0,1]
def softmax(x):
# x = x[np.newaxis,...]
probs = np.exp(x - np.max(x, axis=1, keepdims=True))
probs /= np.sum(probs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return probs
def prepro(I):
""" prepro 210x160x3 uint8 frame into 6400 (80x80) 1D float vector """
I = I[35:195] # crop
I = I[::2,::2,0] # downsample by factor of 2
I[I == 144] = 0 # erase background (background type 1)
I[I == 109] = 0 # erase background (background type 2)
I[I != 0] = 1 # everything else (paddles, ball) just set to 1
return I.astype(np.float).ravel()
def discount_rewards(r):
""" take 1D float array of rewards and compute discounted reward """
discounted_r = np.zeros_like(r)
running_add = 0
for t in reversed(xrange(0, r.size)):
if r[t] != 0: running_add = 0 # reset the sum, since this was a game boundary (pong specific!)
running_add = running_add * gamma + r[t]
discounted_r[t] = running_add
return discounted_r
def policy_forward(x):
x = x[np.newaxis,...]
h =['W1'])
h[h<0] = 0 # ReLU nonlinearity
logp =['W2'])
#p = sigmoid(logp)
p = softmax(logp)
return p, h # return probability of taking action 2, and hidden state
def policy_backward(eph, epdlogp):
""" backward pass. (eph is array of intermediate hidden states) """
dW2 =
dh =['W2'].T)
dh[eph <= 0] = 0 # backpro prelu
t = time.time()
if(be == cp):
dh_gpu = cuda.to_gpu(dh, device=0)
epx_gpu = cuda.to_gpu(epx.T, device=0)
dW1 = cuda.to_cpu( )
dW1 =
print((time.time()-t0)*1000, ' ms, @final bprop')
return {'W1':dW1, 'W2':dW2}
env = gym.make("Pong-v0")
observation = env.reset()
prev_x = None # used in computing the difference frame
xs,hs,dlogps,drs = [],[],[],[]
running_reward = None
reward_sum = 0
episode_number = 0
while True:
t0 = time.time()
if render:
t = time.time()
print((time.time()-t)*1000, ' ms, @rendering')
t = time.time()
# preprocess the observation, set input to network to be difference image
cur_x = prepro(observation)
x = cur_x - prev_x if prev_x is not None else np.zeros(D)
prev_x = cur_x
#print((time.time()-t)*1000, ' ms, @prepo')
# forward the policy network and sample an action from the returned probability
t = time.time()
aprob, h = policy_forward(x)
#action = 2 if np.random.uniform() < aprob else 3 # roll the dice!
#print((time.time()-t)*1000, ' ms, @forward')
# roll the dice, in the softmax loss
u = np.random.uniform()
aprob_cum = np.cumsum(aprob)
a = np.where(u <= aprob_cum)[0][0]
action = a+2
#print(u, a, aprob_cum)
# record various intermediates (needed later for backprop)
t = time.time()
xs.append(x) # observation
hs.append(h) # hidden state
#softmax loss gradient
dlogsoftmax = aprob.copy()
dlogsoftmax[0,a] -= 1 #-discounted reward
# step the environment and get new measurements
t = time.time()
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
reward_sum += reward
#print((time.time()-t)*1000, ' ms, @env.step')
drs.append(reward) # record reward (has to be done after we call step() to get reward for previous action)
#print((time.time()-t0)*1000, ' ms, @whole.step')
if done: # an episode finished
episode_number += 1
t = time.time()
# stack together all inputs, hidden states, action gradients, and rewards for this episode
epx = np.vstack(xs)
eph = np.vstack(hs)
epdlogp = np.vstack(dlogps)
epr = np.vstack(drs)
xs,hs,dlogps,drs = [],[],[],[] # reset array memory
# compute the discounted reward backwards through time
discounted_epr = discount_rewards(epr)
# standardize the rewards to be unit normal (helps control the gradient estimator variance)
discounted_epr -= np.mean(discounted_epr)
discounted_epr /= np.std(discounted_epr)
epdlogp *= discounted_epr # modulate the gradient with advantage (PG magic happens right here.)
grad = policy_backward(eph, epdlogp)
for k in model: grad_buffer[k] += grad[k] # accumulate grad over batch
# perform rmsprop parameter update every batch_size episodes
if episode_number % update_freq == 0: #update_freq used to be batch_size
for k,v in model.iteritems():
g = grad_buffer[k] # gradient
rmsprop_cache[k] = decay_rate * rmsprop_cache[k] + (1 - decay_rate) * g**2
model[k] -= learning_rate * g / (np.sqrt(rmsprop_cache[k]) + 1e-5)
grad_buffer[k] = np.zeros_like(v) # reset batch gradient buffer
# boring book-keeping
running_reward = reward_sum if running_reward is None else running_reward * 0.99 + reward_sum * 0.01
print 'resetting env. episode reward total was %f. running mean: %f' % (reward_sum, running_reward)
if episode_number % 100 == 0: pickle.dump(model, open('save.p', 'wb'))
reward_sum = 0
observation = env.reset() # reset env
prev_x = None
print((time.time()-t)*1000, ' ms, @backprop')
if reward != 0: # Pong has either +1 or -1 reward exactly when game ends.
print ('ep %d: game finished, reward: %f' % (episode_number, reward)) + ('' if reward == -1 else ' !!!!!!!!')
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