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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Kanji::Kanjidic qw/parse_kanjidic grade/;
#use Sljfaq::Kanjilist 'make_kanji_list';
use FindBin;
my $kanjidic = '/home/ben/data/edrdg/kanjidic';
my $k = parse_kanjidic ($kanjidic);
my @joyo;
for my $kanji (keys %$k) {
if ($k->{$kanji}{G} && $k->{$kanji}{G} <= 8) {
push @joyo, $kanji;
print join ("\n", @joyo), "\n"
#my $html = make_kanji_list (\@joyo, $k);
#open my $out, ">:encoding(utf8)", "$FindBin::Bin/jouyou-list.ff" or die $!;
#print $out $html;
#close $out or die $!;
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