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Last active June 30, 2021 20:14
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My Flow

(-> dotfiles clone cd make)
(loop []
  (tweak dotfiles)

The hard

Right now I'm working on a MacBook Pro from late 2015 (I still have the old 2012 box). It offers the best of both worlds for me: a solid set of apps for and a *nix base for comfortable development.

I am still considering setting up a toy Linux box on which to hack and try new things, but it's not a current project.

The soft (shell)

As demonstrated in the logo, my development environment is basically

  • vim for editing, inside
  • zsh, inside
  • tmux, inside
  • a terminal, running zsh

This, combined with my Dotfiles is my setup. That's it. Terminal vim, tmux for sessions and project management, and zsh.

On the coding side, I'm bouncing between script-level Shell and more interesting things like SML and Racket. I'm trying to stop having to write so much Python or Ruby. Plus, I code a lot of vimscript.

For more on my vim habits, check out Vim is my editor

Terminal Programs

I'm mostly using Alacritty these days. Otherwise I'm running in for no other reason than it works and it's easy. I miss 24-bit color support sometimes, but not enough to fiddle with iTerm.

  • git (occasionally paired with gitsh or hub)
  • newsboat as a terminal RSS manager
  • universal ctags (though I rarely run it manually)
  • ripgrep
  • make
  • tmplr for templates (and hopefully soon, snippets)
  • brew for managing software


I do still have a graphical interface to deal with, which is great for movies and the web. I use Alfred 4 for a seamless, keyboard-driven graphical workflow. It too is heavily customized and has lots of workflows installed.

I'm using Safari for web-browsing (why bloat my system with other software?).

I've got MacVim installed, though I rarely use it. Being a GUI app, it integrates better with Unity and other apps.

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