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Created October 26, 2011 22:58
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MaybeCake ... perl style. :) This one is nicer though:
use MooseX::Declare;
use 5.10.1;
class Egg {}
class Coup {
has chook => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Chook' , required => 0);
class Chook {
has egg => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Egg' , required => 0);
class Cocoa { }
class Chocolate { }
class Flour { }
class Fridge {
has chocolate => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Chocolate' , required => 0);
has egg => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Egg' , required => 0);
class Pantry {
has chocolate => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Chocolate' , required => 0);
has cocoa => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Cocoa' , required => 0);
has flour => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Flour' , required => 0);
class Cake {
method isALie { 1 }
class BakeryCake extends Cake;
class MudCake extends Cake {
has chocolate => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Chocolate' , required => 1 );
has flour => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Flour' , required => 1 );
has egg => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Egg' , required => 1 );
class FlourlessCake extends Cake {
has chocolate => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Chocolate' , required => 1 );
has cocoa => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Cocoa' , required => 1 );
has egg => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Egg' , required => 1 );
class Bakery {
has cake => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Cake' , required => 0);
class Baker {
use List::Util qw(reduce);
method maybeConstruct( CodeRef $f , HashRef $args ) {
( reduce { $a && defined $b } 1 , values %$args ) && $f->( %$args );
method bakeMeACake( Coup $coup, Fridge $fridge, Pantry $pantry, Bakery $bakery ) {
my $chook = $coup && $coup->chook;
my $egg = $chook && $chook->egg;
my $choc = $pantry->chocolate || $fridge->chocolate;
my $flour = $pantry->flour;
my $cocoa = $pantry->cocoa;
my $mudcakeIngredients =
{ egg => $egg , chocolate => $choc , flour => $flour };
my $flourlessIngredients =
{ egg => $egg , chocolate => $choc , cocoa => $cocoa };
my $cake1 = $self->maybeConstruct(
sub { MudCake->new ( @_ ) } , $mudcakeIngredients
my $cake2 = $self->maybeConstruct(
sub { FlourlessCake->new ( @_ ) } , $flourlessIngredients
my $cake3 = $bakery->cake;
$cake1 || $cake2 || $cake3;
class BakerTests {
use Set::CrossProduct;
#I'm sure there is a better way to permute these but the hash keys in the constructor are a pain and I am late for work. :)
method run_tests {
my $baker = Baker->new();
my $egg = Egg->new();
my $chookNoEgg = Chook->new();
my $chookEgg = Chook->new( egg => $egg );
my $coupChookEgg = Coup->new( chook => $chookEgg );
my $coupChookNoEgg = Coup->new( chook => $chookNoEgg );
my $coupNoChook = Coup->new();
my $choc = Chocolate->new;
my $flour = Flour->new();
my $cocoa = Cocoa->new();
my $fridgeNoChocNoEgg = Fridge->new();
my $fridgeChocEgg = Fridge->new( egg => $egg, choc => $choc );
my $fridgeChocNoEgg = Fridge->new( choc => $choc );
my $fridgeNoChocEgg = Fridge->new( egg => $egg );
my $pantryNoCocoaNoFlourNoChoc = Pantry->new();
my $pantryCocoaFlourChoc =
Pantry->new( cocoa => $cocoa, flour => $flour, chocolate => $choc );
my $pantryNoCocoaFlourChoc =
Pantry->new( flour => $flour, chocolate => $choc );
my $pantryNoCocoaFlourNoChoc = Pantry->new( flour => $flour );
my $pantryNoCocoaNoFlourChoc = Pantry->new( chocolate => $choc );
my $pantryCocoaNoFlourChoc =
Pantry->new( cocoa => $cocoa, chocolate => $choc );
my $pantryCocoaFlourNoChoc =
Pantry->new( cocoa => $cocoa, flour => $flour );
my $pantryCocoaNoFlourNoChoc = Pantry->new( cocoa => $cocoa );
my $bakeryCake = BakeryCake->new();
my $bakeryNoBakeryCake = Bakery->new();
my $bakeryBakeryCake = Bakery->new( cake => $bakeryCake );
my @tests = Set::CrossProduct->new( [
[ $coupChookEgg, $coupChookNoEgg , $coupNoChook ],
$fridgeNoChocNoEgg ,
] ,
$pantryNoCocoaFlourChoc ,
[ $bakeryNoBakeryCake, $bakeryBakeryCake ]
say $baker->bakeMeACake( @$_ ) || "NO CAKE :(" for @tests;
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