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Created June 9, 2013 04:43
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Overloading functions makes passing them in as arguments awkward.
import dispatch._ , Defaults._
import com.ning.http.client.{Request,AsyncHandler}
object Overloads {
def getWebPage(): Future[Res] = {
//dispatch.Http.apply() is overloaded, so if I want to pass in that function
//as a parameter so that I can unit test, then I either have to pick one:
def getWebPage2( http: (Req => Future[Res]) ): Future[Res] = {
//Or if I need more than one, write an ADT that handles the cases that I need
sealed trait ReqAdt
case class Builder( builder: Req ) extends ReqAdt
case class Handler[A]( pair: (Request,AsyncHandler[A]) ) extends ReqAdt
//So that I can then inject a function that handles all cases
def getWebPage3( http: (ReqAdt => Future[Res]) ):Future[Res] = {
http( Builder( url("") ) )
http( Handler[String]( url("") OK as.String ) )
//This isn't hard to implement and get around, but it is a bit of a bother
//that would not be there if we used adts in the first place instead of
//Or I'm just stupid and making a deal out of something trivial. ;)
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