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Created June 20, 2023 14:15
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  • Save benlesh/6c09ebbe81d4091d76941fa8927dc3aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save benlesh/6c09ebbe81d4091d76941fa8927dc3aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert all WAV files in a directory to MP3 files.
REM NOTE that this does NOT uninstall ffmpeg when done
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo Current directory: %cd%
REM Set the download URL for FFmpeg
set "ffmpeg_url="
REM Set the temporary directory for downloading and extracting FFmpeg
set "temp_dir=temp"
REM Check if FFmpeg is already installed
if exist "%temp_dir%\ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl\bin\ffmpeg.exe" (
echo FFmpeg is already installed.
) else (
echo Downloading FFmpeg...
curl -L -o "%temp_dir%\" "%ffmpeg_url%"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo FFmpeg download failed, please check your internet connection and the ffmpeg_url.
exit /b
echo Extracting FFmpeg...
powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path '%temp_dir%\' -DestinationPath '%temp_dir%'"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Failed to extract FFmpeg.
exit /b
echo FFmpeg installation complete.
REM Set the path to the FFmpeg executable
set "ffmpeg=%temp_dir%\ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl\bin\ffmpeg.exe"
REM Check if FFmpeg executable exists at the specified path
if not exist "%ffmpeg%" (
echo FFmpeg executable not found at the specified path: "%ffmpeg%"
exit /b
echo Found FFmpeg executable at: "%ffmpeg%"
REM Convert .wav files to .mp3
for %%A in ("%~dp0*.wav") do (
set "input_file=%%~fA"
set "output_file=%%~dpnA.mp3"
echo Converting file: "!input_file!" to "!output_file!"
"%ffmpeg%" -i "!input_file!" -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -b:a 192k "!output_file!"
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Failed to convert "!input_file!".
exit /b
echo Conversion complete.
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