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Last active February 20, 2022 01:41
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2016 Postmates Inc.
# Author: Benjamin Staffin
# Logging library for bash scripts
# Features:
# * Nicely formatted messages with timestamp, source file and line number
# * Stack traces on abnormal exits, similar to Python
# * Numeric comparison asserts, useful for validating function args
# Requires Bash >= 4.2
((${__lib_log_loaded:-})) && return # Include guard
# Log messages above this threshold will be suppressed
# (Higher severity --> higher number, like in Python)
declare -A __bbbash_log_levels=(
# Numeric assert helpers:
function CHECK_EQ { log::check_compare "$1" EQ "$2"; }
function CHECK_LE { log::check_compare "$1" LE "$2"; }
function CHECK_LT { log::check_compare "$1" LT "$2"; }
function CHECK_GE { log::check_compare "$1" GE "$2"; }
function CHECK_GT { log::check_compare "$1" GT "$2"; }
function CHECK_NE { log::check_compare "$1" NE "$2"; }
function log::check_compare {
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
log::error "Invalid arguments to $0"
return 1
val1=$1 op=$2 val2=$3
case $op in
LE|'<=') op='<=' ;;
LT|'<' ) op='<' ;;
GE|'>=') op='>=' ;;
GT|'>' ) op='>' ;;
EQ|'==') op='==' ;;
NE|'!=') op='!=' ;;
*) log::error "Invalid comparison operator '$op'"; return 1 ;;
if ! eval "(( $val1 $op $val2 ))"; then
log::error "Assertion failed: $val1 ! $op $val2"
return 1
# Trivial LOG wrappers.
function log::debug { __log::t DEBUG "$@"; }
function log::info { __log::t INFO "$@"; }
function log::warn { __log::t WARN "$@"; }
function log::warning { __log::t WARN "$@"; }
function log::error { __log::t ERROR "$@"; }
# NOTE: log::fatal actually terminates the script!
function log::fatal { __log::t FATAL "$@"; exit 1; }
# Format and log a message to stderr.
# It is recommended that you use the log::<level> wrapper functions
# rather than calling this directly.
# Examples:
# LOG INFO "this is an info log"
# LOG WARN "you can use printf stuff: %s %s" "$thing1" "$thing2"
# Usage:
# LOG <level> <message> [formatarg...]
function LOG {
local level=$1 msg=$2
shift 2
if ! [[ $level_n =~ [0-9]+ ]]; then
LOG ERROR "Invalid log level '$level'"
return 1
elif ((level_n < BBBASH_LOG_THRESHOLD)); then
declare -i tb_skip=$((${tb_skip:-0}+1))
# Apply format string args, if any
(($#)) && printf -v msg "$msg" "$@"
printf '%(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)T %s %s:%s] %s\n' \
-1 \
"$level" \
"${BASH_SOURCE[$tb_skip]##*/}" \
"${BASH_LINENO[$((tb_skip-1))]}" \
"$msg" \
# -1 is equivalent to `date +%s`
# Run a command after INFO logging it
function log::run {
declare -i tb_skip=${tb_skip:-0}
printf -v escaped_cmd ' %q' "$@"
log::info "Running:$escaped_cmd"
# Print a formatted stack trace to stdout.
# You generally don't need to call this directly, but it's available.
function log::print_traceback {
local fmt_tb
tb_skip=$((${tb_skip:-0}+1)) __log::get_stack
printf -v fmt_tb '%s\n' "${STACK[@]}"
# Mention bash in the header avoid confusing people
printf 'Bash traceback (most recent call last):\n%s' "$fmt_tb"
### Private functions below here
# The log::<level> wrappers can't be aliases unless we add
# `shopt -s expand_aliases` which may result in weird things happening if users
# have aliases in their environment
function __log::t { tb_skip=$((${tb_skip:-0}+2)) LOG "$@"; }
# Populate the variable STACK with a formatted stack trace.
# If tb_skip is non-zero, skip that many lines of the trace.
function __log::get_stack {
declare -g STACK=()
# Omit innermost frame (this function itself)
declare -i tb_skip=$((${tb_skip:-0}+1))
local i
local stack_size=${#FUNCNAME[@]}
for (( i=stack_size; i>=tb_skip; i-- )); do
local func=${FUNCNAME[$i]:+${FUNCNAME[$i]}()}
local lineno=${BASH_LINENO[$((i - 1))]}
local src=${BASH_SOURCE[$i]:-<stdin>}
# Outermost stack frame is only meaningful if the entrypoint came from
# bash -c "script...", so skip it otherwise
if ((i != stack_size)) || [[ -n ${BASH_EXECUTION_STRING:-} ]]; then
STACK+=(" File \"$src\", line $lineno, in ${func:-<none>}")
# Print a python-like traceback on abnormal exit
# (when errexit is set and this is registered as an ERR handler)
function __log::trap_err {
local ret=$? cmd=$BASH_COMMAND
tb_skip=1 log::print_traceback
printf " %s\n" "$cmd"
return $ret
trap __log::trap_err ERR
# Keep the ERR trap registred after sourcing this file
set -o errtrace
readonly __lib_log_loaded=1 # Include guard
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