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set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
$ codesign -d --entitlements :- /Applications/Window\
Executable=/Applications/Window Tidy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
import Ember from 'ember';
import FactoryGuy from 'ember-data-factory-guy';
import FactoryGuyTestHelper from 'ember-data-factory-guy/factory-guy-test-helper';
import startApp from '../../helpers/start-app';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
var App;
module('Acceptance: Registration New', {
app/views/admin/addresses/_address_form.html.erb:3: index = address_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : address_form_counter
app/views/admin/channels/_email_form.html.erb:3: index = email_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : email_form_counter
app/views/admin/channels/_fax_form.html.erb:3: index = fax_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : fax_form_counter
app/views/admin/channels/_im_form.html.erb:3: index = im_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : im_form_counter
app/views/admin/channels/_phone_form.html.erb:3: index = phone_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : phone_form_counter
app/views/admin/channels/_website_form.html.erb:3: index = website_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : website_form_counter
app/views/admin/codings/_coding_form.html.erb:3: index = coding_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : coding_form_counter
app/views/admin/comments/_comment_form.html.erb:3: index = comment_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : comment_form_counter
app/views/admin/gradings/_grading_form.html.erb:3: index = grading_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : grading_form_cou
address = address_form
index = address_form_counter == 0 ? "INDEX" : address_form_counter
new_or_existing = address.new_record? ? 'new' : 'existing'
id_or_index = address.new_record? ? index :
prefix = "#{parent}[#{new_or_existing}_address_attributes][]"
<div class="address">
<% fields_for prefix, address do |address_form| -%>
RegistrationsController handling GET /events/1/registrations/new with an existing record should be successful
Failure/Error: @event.stub(:for_non_members?).and_return(true)
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
# Handles all public requests for authors - like the list and show pages
class AuthorsController < ApplicationController
# Handle all other actions that are given from named routes gracefully
# by redirecting to the page not found page
%w{new create edit update destroy}.each do |name|
define_method name do
ap "-------1"
map.with_options :controller => "events" do |event|
event.connect "/events/index.html", :action => "index"
event.connect "/events/past_events", :action => "past_events"
event.connect "/events/past_events/:year", :action => "past_events"
event.connect "/events/past_events/:year/:id", :action => "show"
map.resources :products, :collection => { :notify => :post } do |products|
products.resources :orders,
:member => {
:change_payment => :get,
:invoice => :get,
:pricing => :get
:collection => {
:pre => :any,
:new => :post