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c++ reflection
using any = std::any;
namespace {
constexpr bool strings_equal(char const * a, char const * b) {
return *a == *b && (*a == '\0' || strings_equal(a + 1, b + 1));
class MethodInfo
using Invoker = any(*)(const MethodInfo* method, any target, const any* args);
constexpr MethodInfo(const char*name, Invoker invoker, int argc) : name{ name }, invoker{ invoker }, argc{ argc }
const char* name;
Invoker invoker;
int argc;
template<typename R, typename...Args>
R Invoke(any target, Args... args)
any anyargs[] = { args... };
return std::any_cast<R>(invoker(this, target, anyargs));
template<typename T, typename U>
class Method;
template<typename T, typename R, typename ... Args >
class Method<T, R(Args...)> : public MethodInfo {
template<typename... Ts, size_t... Is>
static auto create_tuple(const any* p, any target, std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
return std::tuple<T*, Ts...>(std::any_cast<T*>(target), std::any_cast<Ts>(p[Is])...);
static any _Invoker(const MethodInfo* method, any target, const any* args)
T* self = std::any_cast<T*>(target);
auto m = (const Method*)method;
auto tuple = create_tuple<Args...>(args, target, std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Args)>{});
return std::apply(m->fn, tuple);
constexpr Method(const char *name, R(T::*fn)(Args...)) :
MethodInfo(name, _Invoker, sizeof...(Args)),
fn{ fn }
template<typename T, typename R, typename...Args>
constexpr auto MakeMethod(const char* name, R(T::*fn)(Args...))
return Method<T, R(Args...)>(name, fn);
//template<typename T, typename...Args>
//constexpr auto MakeStaticMethod(const char* name, R(*fn)(Args...))
// return Method<T, Args...>(name, fn);
class MethodList {
constexpr MethodList(const MethodInfo** list, int count) : list{ list }, count{ count }
const MethodInfo** list;
const int count;
template<int N>
class MethodListN : public MethodList
const MethodInfo* properties[N];
template<typename ... Args>
constexpr MethodListN(Args ... args) :
MethodList(properties, N), properties{ args... }
constexpr auto MakeMethodList(Args... args) {
return MethodListN<sizeof...(args)>(args...);
struct Table
int Hello(int i) {
return i * 10;
auto m = MakeMethod("Hello", &Table::Hello);
int main() {
Table table;
int x = m.Invoke<int, int>(&table, 10);
return x;
using any = std::any;
class PropertyInfo;
namespace {
constexpr bool strings_equal(char const * a, char const * b) {
return *a == *b && (*a == '\0' || strings_equal(a + 1, b + 1));
class PropertyInfo
using Getter = any (*)(const PropertyInfo* prop, any target);
using Setter = void (*)(const PropertyInfo* prop, any target, any value);
const char* name;
const Getter getter;
const Setter setter;
constexpr PropertyInfo(const char*name, Getter getter, Setter setter) : name{ name }, getter{getter}, setter{setter}
template<typename T, typename P>
class Property : public PropertyInfo {
P T::*property;
static any _Get(const PropertyInfo* prop, any target)
T* t = std::any_cast<T*>(target);
const Property* self = (const Property*) prop;
return t->*(self->property);
static void _Set(const PropertyInfo* prop, any target, any value)
T* t = std::any_cast<T*>(target);
Property* self = (Property*) prop;
t->*(self->property) = std::any_cast<P>(value);
constexpr Property(const char *name, P T::*property) :
PropertyInfo(name, _Get, _Set),
template<typename T, typename P>
constexpr auto MakeProperty(const char* name, P T::*property){
return Property<T,P>(name, property);
class PropertyList {
constexpr PropertyList(const PropertyInfo** list, int count) : list{list}, count{count}
const PropertyInfo** list;
const int count;
void Set(any target, const char* name, any value)
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const auto prop = list[i];
if(strings_equal(prop->name, name)) {
prop->setter(prop, target, value);
template<typename V>
V Get(any target, const char* name)
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const auto prop = list[i];
if(strings_equal(prop->name, name)) {
return std::any_cast<V>(prop->getter(prop, target));
throw std::exception();
template<int N>
class PropertyListN : public PropertyList
const PropertyInfo* properties[N];
template<typename ... Args>
constexpr PropertyListN(Args ... args) :
PropertyList(properties, N), properties{ args... }
struct Person
const char* name;
int age;
constexpr auto person_name = MakeProperty("name", &Person::name);
constexpr auto person_age = MakeProperty("age", &Person::age);
constexpr auto MakePropertyList(Args... args){
return PropertyListN<sizeof...(args)>(args...);
constexpr auto PropertyList = MakePropertyList(&person_name, &person_age);
int main(){
Person p = {"hello", 10};
person_name.setter(&person_name, p, 20);
return 0;// PropertyList.Get<int>(&p, "name");
class BaseClass;
class TypeInfo {
using FactoryFunction = BaseClass* (*)();
constexpr TypeInfo(int id, int size, FactoryFunction factory, const TypeInfo* base, const TypeInfo** interfaces, int interface_size) :
id{ id },
base{ base },
size{ size },
factory{ factory },
interfaces{ interfaces },
interface_size{ interface_size }
const TypeInfo* base;
const FactoryFunction factory;
const TypeInfo** interfaces;
const int interface_size;
const int size;
const int id;
template<typename Super>
constexpr bool IsDerivedFrom() const {
auto super_rtti = Super::GetStaticRTTI();
for (const TypeInfo* base = this; base != nullptr; base = base->base) {
if (base->id == super_rtti->id) {
return true;
return false;
template<typename Interface>
constexpr bool IsImplement() const {
const TypeInfo* interface_rtti = Interface::GetStaticRTTI();
for (int i = 0; i < interface_size; i++)
if (interfaces[i]->id == interface_rtti->id || interfaces[i]->IsImplement<Interface>())
return true;
if (this->base && base->IsImplement<Interface>()) {
return true;
return false;
template<int N>
class Type : public TypeInfo {
const TypeInfo* arr[N];
template<typename ... Args>
constexpr Type(int id, int size, FactoryFunction factory, const TypeInfo* base, Args ... args) :
TypeInfo(id, size, factory, base, arr, N), arr{ args... }
class Type<0> : public TypeInfo {
constexpr Type(int id, int size, FactoryFunction factory, const TypeInfo* base) :
TypeInfo(id, size, factory, base, nullptr, 0)
template<typename T, typename Base, typename ... Interface>
constexpr decltype(auto) MakeClass() {
constexpr auto factory = []() -> BaseClass* {
return new T();
return Type<sizeof...(Interface)>(T::TypeId, sizeof(T), factory, Base::GetStaticRTTI(), Interface::GetStaticRTTI()...);
template<typename T, typename Base, typename ... Interface>
constexpr decltype(auto) MakeInterface() {
return Type<sizeof...(Interface)>(T::TypeId, sizeof(T), nullptr, Base::GetStaticRTTI(), Interface::GetStaticRTTI()...);
class Void {
constexpr static int TypeId = 0;
constexpr static const TypeInfo* GetStaticRTTI() {
return nullptr;
template<typename T, typename Base, typename ... Interface>
constexpr static decltype(auto) class_rtti = MakeClass<T, Base, Interface...>();
template<typename T, typename Base, typename ... Interface>
constexpr static decltype(auto) interface_rtti = MakeInterface<T, Base, Interface...>();
class BaseInterface {
constexpr static int TypeId = -1;
constexpr static const TypeInfo* GetStaticRTTI();
constexpr const TypeInfo* BaseInterface::GetStaticRTTI() {
return &interface_rtti<BaseInterface, Void>;
class BaseClass {
constexpr static int TypeId = 0;
constexpr static const TypeInfo* GetStaticRTTI() {
return &class_rtti<BaseClass, Void>;
virtual const TypeInfo* GetRTTI() {
return GetStaticRTTI();
template<typename T, int ID, typename Base, typename ... Interface>
class RTTIClass : public Base, Interface... {
RTTIClass() {}
friend T;
constexpr static int TypeId = ID;
constexpr static const TypeInfo* GetStaticRTTI() {
return &class_rtti<T, Base, Interface...>;
virtual const TypeInfo* GetRTTI() override {
return &class_rtti<T, Base, Interface...>;
template<typename T, int ID, typename ... Interface>
class RTTIInterface : public Interface... {
using Ty = RTTIInterface<T, ID, Interface...>;
constexpr static int TypeId = ID;
constexpr static const TypeInfo* GetStaticRTTI() {
return &interface_rtti<T, Void, Interface...>;
template<typename T>
constexpr const TypeInfo* typeof() {
return T::GetStaticRTTI();
class IHandler : public RTTIInterface<IHandler, -2> {
virtual void Handle() = 0;
class ISerializer : public RTTIInterface<ISerializer, -3> {
virtual void Serialize() = 0;
class IRunnable : public RTTIInterface<IRunnable, -4> {
virtual void Run() = 0;
class IRunnable1 : public RTTIInterface<IRunnable1, -5> {
virtual void Run1() = 0;
class IRunnable2 : public RTTIInterface<IRunnable2, -6> {
virtual void Run2() = 0;
class RTTIObject : public RTTIClass<RTTIObject, 2, BaseClass, IHandler, ISerializer>
void Handle() override {
void Serialize() override {
class Node : public RTTIClass<Node, 3, BaseClass, IRunnable1, IRunnable2> {
void Run1() override {
void Run2() override {
int main() {
constexpr auto rtti = RTTIObject::GetStaticRTTI();
// static_assert(rtti->IsImplement<IRunnable>());
auto rtti11 = typeof<Node>();
auto rttiobject = rtti11->factory();
return rtti11 == rttiobject->GetRTTI();
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